Svjatlana Tsikhanowskaja (Norwegian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Svjatlana Tsikhanowskaja" in Norwegian language version.

Global rank Norwegian rank
129th place
573rd place
1,779th place
7th place
5th place
13th place
170th place
791st place
204th place
397th place
20th place
44th place
458th place
1,752nd place
240th place
476th place
7,172nd place
30th place
737th place
741st place
1st place
1st place
1,367th place
1,606th place
1,388th place
1,856th place
9,581st place
low place
low place
6,323rd place
210th place
491st place
49th place
132nd place
2,865th place
6,479th place

  • «Hviterusslands opposisjonsleder har forlatt landet». Aftenposten. Besøkt 11. august 2020. «Etter presidentvalget i Hviterussland opplyste valgkommisjonen at Tikhanovskaja fikk i underkant av 10 prosent av stemmene. President Aleksandr Lukasjenko skal ha fått rundt 80 prosent. | Men opposisjonen mener at det foregikk omfattende valgfusk, og Tikhanovskaja hevder hun er valgets rettmessige vinner. | I tillegg til at det mistenkes omfattende juks under opptellingen av stemmene, ble flere av Lukasjenkos politiske utfordrere fengslet før valget. En av dem er Tikhanovskajas ektemann, den populære bloggeren Sergej Tikhanovskij.» 
  • «Flere fredsprisforslag før fristen gikk ut». Aftenposten. 31. januar 2021.

  • Amnesty International (29. mai 2020). «BELARUS: GROWING CRACKDOWN ON HUMAN RIGHTS AHEAD OF PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION» (PDF). Arkivert fra originalen (PDF) 22. august 2020. Besøkt 11. august 2020. «On 6 May, two days before the presidential election was announced, police arrested well-known blogger Syarhei Tsikhanouski and enforced an earlier sentence of 15-day administrative detention which he received following his participation in a peaceful protest in December 2019. Syarhei Tsikhanouski had made no secret of his political ambitions. The detention appeared to prevent him from nominating his candidacy at the election, and its timing, nearly five months after the purported “offence”, suggested that his arrest was politically motivated. In response, his wife, Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya, put forward her candidacy. As soon as she emerged as a presidential candidate, the authorities responded with severe reprisals. On 29 May, Syarhei Tsikhanouski, freed again and now Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya’s electoral campaign chief, was arrested as a criminal suspect, during a signaturegathering event in Hrodna, a city in northwestern Belarus, alongside eight other men: Yauhen Raznichenka, Dzmitry Furmanau, Uladzimir Navumik, Vyarhili Ushak, Alyaksandr Aranovich, Syarhei Kalmykou, Vasil Babrouski and Artsyom Sakau. They have been charged with “organization or preparation for a grave breach of public order” (Article 342 of the Criminal Code of Belarus). At the time of writing, they all remained in detention and the criminal proceedings against them are ongoing.»

  • BBC 100 Women 2020: Who is on the list this year?,, besøkt 24. november 2020[Hentet fra Wikidata]

  • Amnesty International (29. mai 2020). «BELARUS: GROWING CRACKDOWN ON HUMAN RIGHTS AHEAD OF PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION» (PDF). Arkivert fra originalen (PDF) 22. august 2020. Besøkt 11. august 2020. «On 6 May, two days before the presidential election was announced, police arrested well-known blogger Syarhei Tsikhanouski and enforced an earlier sentence of 15-day administrative detention which he received following his participation in a peaceful protest in December 2019. Syarhei Tsikhanouski had made no secret of his political ambitions. The detention appeared to prevent him from nominating his candidacy at the election, and its timing, nearly five months after the purported “offence”, suggested that his arrest was politically motivated. In response, his wife, Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya, put forward her candidacy. As soon as she emerged as a presidential candidate, the authorities responded with severe reprisals. On 29 May, Syarhei Tsikhanouski, freed again and now Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya’s electoral campaign chief, was arrested as a criminal suspect, during a signaturegathering event in Hrodna, a city in northwestern Belarus, alongside eight other men: Yauhen Raznichenka, Dzmitry Furmanau, Uladzimir Navumik, Vyarhili Ushak, Alyaksandr Aranovich, Syarhei Kalmykou, Vasil Babrouski and Artsyom Sakau. They have been charged with “organization or preparation for a grave breach of public order” (Article 342 of the Criminal Code of Belarus). At the time of writing, they all remained in detention and the criminal proceedings against them are ongoing.»