"The Dangers of Porous Borders"; DOI: 10.33972/JHS.124; forfatternavn: Barbara Perry; utgivelsesdato: 27. februar 2019; bind: 14; hefte: 1; utgiver: Gonzaga University; side(r): 61; sitat: Far-right Canadian media outlets, for instance, have bombarded its subscribers with all kinds of pro-Trump, racist and xenophobic dialogue, both before and after Trump’s victory. Rebel Media, a popular far-right online media platform run by Ezra Levant, a controversial Canadian far-right political activist, writer and broadcaster, has been an outright supporter of Trump, publishing countless extreme-right leaning articles on why to support him.; publisert i: Journal of Hate Studies.
"Right-Wing Extremism in Canada"; ISBN-13: 978-3-030-25169-7; forfatternavn: Barbara Perry; utgivelsesdato: 19. august 2019; utgiver: Springer International Publishing; sitat: In 2015, he established Rebel Media, a far-right outlet that regularly features global and domestic “stars” of the nationalist movement.; side(r): 37.
"The distribution of nationalist and racist discourse"; publisert i: Journal of Multicultural Discourses; forfatternavn: Gavan Titley; utgivelsesdato: 2. juli 2020; bind: 15; hefte: 3; side(r): 263; sitat: Far-right Twitter accounts come and go, often generating significant traction without any obvious relation to organised movements. As a stage of his reinvention of self after the EDL, its leader Stephen Yaxley-Lennon (‘Tommy Robinson’) reinvented himself as a journalist, working for the Canadian far-right media company Rebel Media.; utgiver: Routledge.
"The Alt-right's Discourse on "Cultural Marxism": A Political Instrument of Intersectional Hate"; utgiver: Mount Saint Vincent universitet; forfatternavn: Tanner Mirrlees; utgivelsesdato: 3. august 2018; bind: 39; hefte: 1; publisert i: Atlantis: Critical Studies in Gender, Culture & Social Justice; sitat: The Rebel Media, a far-right news organization, published articles by Canadian alt-right propagandists such as: “Want to sop cultural Marxist indoctrination? Cut public funding of universities” (Nicholas 2017); “Social justice is socialism in disguise” (Goldy 2016); and “How progressives use our kids for Marxist social experiments” (Goldy 2017).; side(r): 61.