«Konspirasjonsteorier for alle». Blikk. 9. november 2022. «Selv om kanskje ikke alle grupper kobler «homolobbyen» til «den jødiske kulturmarxismen» som den nordiske motstandsbevegelsen gjør, har forestillingen om at «homolobbyen» undergraver tradisjonelle familieverdier og kjønnsroller lenge forent høyreekstreme, kristenkonservative og høyrepopulister. Med begrepet «translobbyen» har disse gruppene fått følge av norske radikalfeminister i organisasjonen Women's Declaration International [...] Færseth trekker fram Steigans Mot Dag-konferanse på Parkteatret i 2019 som et eksempel på slike allianser. – Konferansen samlet konspirasjonsteoretikere og russiske propagandister for krigen i Syria side om side med norske radikalfeminister og den engelske anti-transaktivisten Posie Parker.»
Hasenbush, Amira; Flores, Andrew R.; Herman, Jody L. (2019). «Gender Identity Nondiscrimination Laws in Public Accommodations: a Review of Evidence Regarding Safety and Privacy in Public Restrooms, Locker Rooms, and Changing Rooms». Sexuality Research and Social Policy. 16: 70–83. doi:10.1007/s13178-018-0335-z.
Turnbull-Dugarte, Stuart J.; McMillan, Fraser (2022). «‘Protect the women!’ Trans-exclusionary feminist issue framing and support for transgender rights». Policy Studies Journal. doi:10.1111/psj.12484.
O’Connor, Aoife M.; m.fl. (2022). «Transcending the Gender Binary under International Law: Advancing Health-Related Human Rights for Trans* Populations». Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics. 50 (3): 409–424. doi:10.1017/jme.2022.84.
McLean, Craig (2021). «The Growth of the Anti-Transgender Movement in the United Kingdom. The Silent Radicalization of the British Electorate». International Journal of Sociology: 1–10. doi:10.1080/00207659.2021.1939946.
«Press release: All public buildings to have separate male and female toilets». GOV.UK (på engelsk). Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities. 4. juli 2022. Besøkt 9. november 2022. «Minister for Equalities Kemi Badenoch MP said: It is vital that women feel safe and comfortable when using public facilities, and that their needs are respected. | These changes will ensure that separate toilets for men and women are preserved at the same time as providing universal toilets for those that want them. This is a common sense approach.»
«Ekspert roper varsku: – Dessverre har det blitt mer vanlig at hets mot skeive blir bejublet». Nettavisen. 27. juni 2022. «Cathrine Thorleifsson forsker på høyreekstremisme, ekstrem islamisme, hatkriminalitet og politisk vold. Hun sier den hatske retorikken rettet mot LHBTQ-miljøer og Pride-bevegelsen har blitt intensivert de siste årene, både på lukkede ekstremistiske nettforum og på åpne sosiale medier.»
«UK ministers to make single-sex toilets compulsory in new public buildings». the Guardian (på engelsk). 3. juli 2022. Besøkt 9. november 2022. «Campaigners for trans rights have pointed out that gender-neutral toilets can be reassuring for some transgender men and women who fear discrimination in binary toilets. | The secretary of state for housing at the time, Robert Jenrick, rejected the accusation and identified concerns held by some women about the reduced privacy and longer queues resulting from gender-neutral facilities.»
Perez, Caroline Criado (5. oktober 2022). «Waiting for the ladies». Tortoise (på engelsk). Arkivert fra originalen 16. oktober 2022. Besøkt 9. november 2022. «And I could tell people were confused, but I just thought, why are these men queuing up to use the ladies when there’s not a queue for the gents urinals? And I pointed out that this is not the United States, as in, trans women have always been able to use women’s loos in this country since legislation has become more modern, and that’s many years. So it wasn’t about that. It was about the fact that there were men queuing up for the ladies.»
Perez, Caroline Criado (5. oktober 2022). «Waiting for the ladies». Tortoise (på engelsk). Arkivert fra originalen 16. oktober 2022. Besøkt 9. november 2022. «And I could tell people were confused, but I just thought, why are these men queuing up to use the ladies when there’s not a queue for the gents urinals? And I pointed out that this is not the United States, as in, trans women have always been able to use women’s loos in this country since legislation has become more modern, and that’s many years. So it wasn’t about that. It was about the fact that there were men queuing up for the ladies.»