Encyclopædia Britannica Online, Encyclopædia Britannica Online-ID biography/Walter-Pater, besøkt 9. oktober 2017[Hentet fra Wikidata]
Inman, Billie Andrew: «Estrangement and Connection: Walter Pater, Benjamin Jowett, and William M. Hardinge» (PDF), fra Number 6 av 1880-1920 British Authors Series, 1988: «Hardinge had also written and circulated some homosexual poems. The affair was brought to the attention of the authorities by Balliol students who feared that the 'Balliol Bugger', as Hardinge was called, was giving the college a bad name. Early in 1876 the master of Balliol, Benjamin Jowett, was apprised of the Pater letters and the sonnets. He now broke with Pater a famous rupture and summoned Hardinge on the official charge of 'keeping and reciting immoral poetry'.»
Union List of Artist Names, ULAN 500323762, utgitt 23. april 2013, besøkt 14. april 2019[Hentet fra Wikidata]
Archive of Fine Arts, cs.isabart.org, abART person-ID 120353, besøkt 1. april 2021[Hentet fra Wikidata]