Simon, Andrew L. (1999). Made in Hungary: Hungarian Contributions to Universal Culture [1]. Simon Publications p.246.
Teichmann, Jürgen; Stinner, Arthur; Rieß, Falk (eds.). From the itinerant lecturers of the 18th century to popularizing physics in the 21st century – exploring the relationship between learning and entertainment «Arkivert kopi»(PDF). Arkivert fra originalen(PDF) 28. februar 2008. Besøkt 17. februar 2008.
Sipka, László (sommeren 2001). «Innovators and Innovations». Hungarian Quarterly. XLII (162). Arkivert fra originalen 15. juni 2011. Besøkt 23. august 2010.«Arkivert kopi». Arkivert fra originalen 15. juni 2011. Besøkt 9. mars 2016.CS1-vedlikehold: Uheldig URL (link)
Mayer, Farkas (1995). Jedlink Ányos (1800–1895) Családfája ("Family tree")(PDF) (på ungarsk). Magyar Tudománytörténeti Intézet munkatársai (Hungarian Institute of the History of Science, Árpád Király chief ed.). s. 1. Besøkt 23. august 2010."A Jedlik-ágról, a név alapján, csak azt lehet sejteni, hogy a Vágon tutajjal érkező, Szimőn megtelepedő, itt elmagyarosodott szlovák család lehetett [...] A Jedlik család ősei 1720-ban Liptóból jöttek tutajon Szimőre." ("It is likely that the Jedlik family arrived from Liptó by boat on the River Vág in 1720 and started to live in Szimő.")
Simon, Andrew L. (1999). Made in Hungary: Hungarian Contributions to Universal Culture [1]. Simon Publications p.246.
Teichmann, Jürgen; Stinner, Arthur; Rieß, Falk (eds.). From the itinerant lecturers of the 18th century to popularizing physics in the 21st century – exploring the relationship between learning and entertainment «Arkivert kopi»(PDF). Arkivert fra originalen(PDF) 28. februar 2008. Besøkt 17. februar 2008.
Simon, Andrew L. (1999). Made in Hungary: Hungarian Contributions to Universal Culture [1]. Simon Publications p.246.
Teichmann, Jürgen; Stinner, Arthur; Rieß, Falk (eds.). From the itinerant lecturers of the 18th century to popularizing physics in the 21st century – exploring the relationship between learning and entertainment «Arkivert kopi»(PDF). Arkivert fra originalen(PDF) 28. februar 2008. Besøkt 17. februar 2008.
Sipka, László (sommeren 2001). «Innovators and Innovations». Hungarian Quarterly. XLII (162). Arkivert fra originalen 15. juni 2011. Besøkt 23. august 2010.«Arkivert kopi». Arkivert fra originalen 15. juni 2011. Besøkt 9. mars 2016.CS1-vedlikehold: Uheldig URL (link)