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MarleneM.KropfMarleneM. i inni, Upon these doorposts: How children grow in faith ; Leader's guide, Nappane, Ind: Evangel Press, 1980, OCLC10289213. Brak numerów stron w książce
ArnoldA.MindellArnoldA., Theory & practice in transpersonal conflict resolution. The transpersonal vision, Berkeley, CA: Conference Recording Service, 1988, OCLC19251135. Brak numerów stron w książce
ArnoldA.MindellArnoldA., The personal and global dreambody, San Francisco, CA: New Dimensions Foundation, 1991, OCLC23804363. Brak numerów stron w książce
ArnoldA.MindellArnoldA., Your body speaks its dream, San Francisco, Calif: New Dimensions Foundation, 1991, OCLC23804194. Brak numerów stron w książce