„The coming of Christ was foretold centuries before the Messiah came, by type, by symbol, and by prophecy. The smoke from every Jewish altar was an index finger pointing to the Lamb of God who would take away the sins of the world. One thousand years rolled by and still no Messiah. Two thousand years and still no Christ … Three thousand … Five thousand…” (Stanley High: Billy Graham The Personal Story Of The Man His Message And His Mission. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1956, s. 73.
„The invitation was a little more difficult last night” – pisze do swojej żony, Ruth – „and fewer people came. The moment I walked down from the platform the Holy Spirit said to me, »You did not preach Christ and the Cross as you should.« I looked back over my sermon and I remember that I had exalted Christ a little less, perhaps, and it was one of the few occasions that I did not touch on His death, burial, and resurrection as the heart of the message. The Lord taught me a lesson.” Stanley High: Billy Graham The Personal Story Of The Man His Message And His Mission. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1956, s. 60.
Wiosną 1955 roku gdy głosił w Narodowym Prezbiteriańskim Kościele w Waszyngtonie, przybył prezydent z małżonką, wielu członków rządu, kongresmenów i senatorów. „Strange to say, all nervousness and fear had left me. I felt perfectly calm and confident. I felt the Spirit of God in my heart and I knew He had given me a message for that hour. During the entire service I did not see the President once, though I knew where he was sitting. In fact, I forgot all about the fact that he was in the audience. I preached the Gospel as straight and as clearly as I have ever preached it. I felt that there was power and authority in the message. As soon as I was through, I gave thanks to God for the power He had given” (Stanley High: Billy Graham The Personal Story Of The Man His Message And His Mission. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1956, s. 29.).
Według Clintona, w kilka miesięcy po tej ewangelizacji, regularnie słał pieniądze na misję Grahama, a robił to w tajemnicy przed rodzicami. (David Aikman: Billy Graham: His Life and Influence. Thomas Nelson Inc, 2007, s. 242.).
Gregory Curtis. Word of the profits. „Texas Monthly”, s. 186, November 1977. [dostęp 2011-11-20].
Michael F. Haverlouck: America Remembers Ruth Graham. The Christian Broadcasting Network, Saturday, June 23, 2007. [dostęp 2011-11-24]. [zarchiwizowane z tego adresu (2016-03-04)].
William Martin, biograf Grahama, twierdzi, że Hearst jeszcze w 1946 roku dał polecenie „puff YFC” (Youth for Christ), a Graham należał do YFC. (John Dart, Billy Graham Recalls Help From Hearst, Los Angeles Times, June 07, 1997.).
(Chapter 10) The Non Establishment Awakening, [w:] Paul R.P.R.DienstbergerPaul R.P.R., The American Republic: A Nation of Christians, 2000 [dostęp 2011-12-23] [zarchiwizowane z adresu 2008-11-19]. Brak numerów stron w książce
Wiele jego krucjat przeprowadzonych zostało we współpracy z Kościołem katolickim. Podczas krucjaty w Milwaukee (1978), abp Rembert Weakland wysłał list do kapłanów swojej diecezji z instrukcją, by udzielili Grahamowi wsparcia. Krucjata w Polsce (1978) była finansowana m.in. przez Kościół katolicki, a kapłani katoliccy dzielili z nim mównicę. Głosił w kościele św. Anny w Krakowie. (Wilson Ewin: Evangelism: (Billy Graham) The Trojan Horse of the 1990's. Cephas Ministry Inc. [dostęp 2014-08-26]., Billy Graham’s Sad Disobedience to the Word of God. Way of Life Literature, 2010-10-12. [dostęp 2014-08-26].)
Michael F. Haverlouck: America Remembers Ruth Graham. The Christian Broadcasting Network, Saturday, June 23, 2007. [dostęp 2011-11-24]. [zarchiwizowane z tego adresu (2016-03-04)].
(Chapter 10) The Non Establishment Awakening, [w:] Paul R.P.R.DienstbergerPaul R.P.R., The American Republic: A Nation of Christians, 2000 [dostęp 2011-12-23] [zarchiwizowane z adresu 2008-11-19]. Brak numerów stron w książce
The 1989 Inauguration. [w:] Wheaton College [on-line]. Billy Graham Center Archives, 2010-01-10. [dostęp 2011-11-22]. [zarchiwizowane z tego adresu (2011-06-06)].
NY 1957 Crusade. [w:] Wheton Education [on-line]. Wheton College & BGEA, 2005. [dostęp 2011-11-10]. [zarchiwizowane z tego adresu (2011-11-05)].
The Billy Sunday Campaign in New York. „Metropolitan Tower”, 1917-02-01. Wheaton Education. [dostęp 2011-11-21].brak numeru strony BGEA New York Crusade].
The 1989 Inauguration. [w:] Wheaton College [on-line]. Billy Graham Center Archives, 2010-01-10. [dostęp 2011-11-22]. [zarchiwizowane z tego adresu (2011-06-06)].