CMOS (Polish Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "CMOS" in Polish language version.

Global rank Polish rank
low place
low place
4th place
7th place

  • Prati, E.; De Michielis, M.; Belli, M.; Cocco, S.; Fanciulli, M.; Kotekar-Patil, D.; Ruoff, M.; Kern, D.P.; Wharam, D.A.; Verduijn, J.; Tettamanzi, G.C.; Rogge, S.; Roche, B.; Wacquez, R.; Jehl, X.; Vinet, M.; Sanquer, M. Few electron limit of n-type metal oxide semiconductor single electron transistors. „Nanotechnology”. 23, s. 215204, 2012. PMID: 22552118.