MarianneM.MithunMarianneM., The Codification of Time on the North American Pacific Rim, [w:] YasuhikoY.Nagano (red.), Time, Language and Cognition, Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology, 1998 (Senri Ethnological Studies 45), s. 251–280, DOI: 10.15021/00002943, OCLC39508396(ang.), patrz s. 257.
MarianneM.MithunMarianneM., The Codification of Time on the North American Pacific Rim, [w:] YasuhikoY.Nagano (red.), Time, Language and Cognition, Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology, 1998 (Senri Ethnological Studies 45), s. 251–280, DOI: 10.15021/00002943, OCLC39508396(ang.), patrz s. 257.