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R. AndrewR.A.SewellR. AndrewR.A., John H.J.H.HalpernJohn H.J.H., Harrison G.H.G.PopeHarrison G.H.G., Response of cluster headache to psilocybin and LSD, „Neurology”, 66 (12), 2006, s. 1920–1922, DOI: 10.1212/01.wnl.0000219761.05466.43, PMID: 16801660 [dostęp 2024-10-01](ang.).
Brian E.B.E.McGeeneyBrian E.B.E., Cannabinoids and hallucinogens for headache, „Headache”, 53 (3), 2013, s. 447–458, DOI: 10.1111/head.12025, PMID: 23278122 [dostęp 2024-10-01](ang.).
Teri S.T.S.KrebsTeri S.T.S., Pål-ØrjanP.Ø.JohansenPål-ØrjanP.Ø., Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) for alcoholism: meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials, „Journal of Psychopharmacology”, 26 (7), 2012, s. 994–1002, DOI: 10.1177/0269881112439253, PMID: 22406913 [dostęp 2024-10-01](ang.).
PeterP.GasserPeterP., KatharinaK.KirchnerKatharinaK., TorstenT.PassieTorstenT., LSD-assisted psychotherapy for anxiety associated with a life-threatening disease: a qualitative study of acute and sustained subjective effects, „Journal of Psychopharmacology”, 29 (1), 2015, s. 57–68, DOI: 10.1177/0269881114555249, PMID: 25389218 [dostęp 2024-10-01](ang.).
E.A.E.A.GriggsE.A.E.A., M.M.WardM.M., LSD toxicity: a suspected cause of death, „The Journal of the Kentucky Medical Association”, 75 (4), 1977, s. 172–173, PMID: 845494 [zarchiwizowane 2016-03-10](ang.).
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