Jason Silverstein: Dancer in the ring. [w:] The Buffalo News [on-line]. [dostęp 2013-07-06]. Cytat: Although Fandango is portrayed by Curtis Hussey, a wrestler with almost 15 years of experience, the character is a strange bedfellow in the WWE roster: a fussy, flamboyant, sultry-voiced dancer who seems more interested in ballet than brawling, and works up his fiercest rage when his name is constantly mispronounced.
Fandango's entrance tune gets remixes. [dostęp 2013-06-04]. Cytat: Equal parts dance mix and sports anthem, the ballroom brawler's remixed tune includes a cameo by Fandango himself
Fandango's catchy entrance music shoots up the iTunes charts. [dostęp 2013-06-04]. Cytat: Eager for more after Raw went off the air and fans left New Jersey's IZOD Center, the WWE Universe has flooded iTunes looking for the ballroom dancer's signature song.