Kate B.K.B.Wolitzky-TaylorKate B.K.B. i inni, Psychological approaches in the treatment of specific phobias: a meta-analysis, „Clinical Psychology Review”, 28 (6), 2008, s. 1021–1037, DOI: 10.1016/j.cpr.2008.02.007, ISSN0272-7358, PMID: 18410984.
Kate B.K.B.Wolitzky-TaylorKate B.K.B. i inni, Psychological approaches in the treatment of specific phobias: a meta-analysis, „Clinical Psychology Review”, 28 (6), 2008, s. 1021–1037, DOI: 10.1016/j.cpr.2008.02.007, ISSN0272-7358, PMID: 18410984.
Sadock i inni, Kaplan & Sadock's synopsis of psychiatry : behavioral sciences/clinical psychiatry, wyd. 11, Philadelphia 2015, ISBN 978-1-60913-971-1, OCLC881019573. Brak numerów stron w książce
American PsychiatricA.P.AssociationAmerican PsychiatricA.P., Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-5., Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Association, 2013, s. 197-202, ISBN 978-0-89042-554-1, OCLC830807378.
Kate B.K.B.Wolitzky-TaylorKate B.K.B. i inni, Psychological approaches in the treatment of specific phobias: a meta-analysis, „Clinical Psychology Review”, 28 (6), 2008, s. 1021–1037, DOI: 10.1016/j.cpr.2008.02.007, ISSN0272-7358, PMID: 18410984.