Fotokataliza (Polish Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Fotokataliza" in Polish language version.

Global rank Polish rank
2nd place
6th place
low place
low place
756th place
32nd place
993rd place
736th place

  • Silvia E. Braslavsky i inni, Glossary of terms used in photocatalysis and radiation catalysis (IUPAC Recommendations 2011), „Pure and Applied Chemistry”, 83 (4), 2011, s. 931–1014, DOI10.1351/PAC-REC-09-09-36 [dostęp 2024-10-08] (ang.).
  • W. Li, S. Ismat Shah, Semiconductor Nanoparticles for Photocatalysis, [w:] Hari Singh Nalwa (red.), Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, t. 9, North Lewis Way (Calif.): American Scientific Publishers, 2004, s. 669–695, DOI10.1166/000000004323030366, ISBN 978-1-58883-001-2 [dostęp 2024-10-08] (ang.).
  • Jenny Schneider i inni, Understanding TiO2 Photocatalysis: Mechanisms and Materials, „Chemical Reviews”, 114 (19), 2014, s. 9919–9986, DOI10.1021/cr5001892 [dostęp 2024-10-08] (ang.).
  • Akihiko Kudo, Hideki Kato, Issei Tsuji, Strategies for the Development of Visible-light-driven Photocatalysts for Water Splitting, „Chemistry Letters”, 33 (12), 2004, s. 1534–1539, DOI10.1246/cl.2004.1534 [dostęp 2024-10-08] (ang.).
  • Kaishu Guan, Relationship between photocatalytic activity, hydrophilicity and self-cleaning effect of TiO2/SiO2 films, „Surface and Coatings Technology”, 191 (2-3), 2005, s. 155–160, DOI10.1016/j.surfcoat.2004.02.022 [dostęp 2024-10-08] (ang.).
  • James Chen i inni, New Technology for Deep Light Distribution in Tissue for Phototherapy:, „The Cancer Journal”, 8 (2), 2002, s. 154–163, DOI10.1097/00130404-200203000-00009 [dostęp 2024-10-08] (ang.).