Glikoliza (Polish Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Glikoliza" in Polish language version.

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  • A.H. Romano, T. Conway, Evolution of carbohydrate metabolic pathways, „Research in Microbiology”, 147 (6-7), 1996, s. 448–455, DOI10.1016/0923-2508(96)83998-2, PMID9084754 [dostęp 2021-03-26] (ang.).
  • Ron S. Ronimus, Hugh W. Morgan, Distribution and phylogenies of enzymes of the Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas pathway from archaea and hyperthermophilic bacteria support a gluconeogenic origin of metabolism, „Archaea”, 1 (3), 2003, s. 199–221, DOI10.1155/2003/162593, PMID15803666, PMCIDPMC2685568 [dostęp 2021-03-26] (ang.).
  • Jesús Muñoz-Bertomeu i inni, A critical role of plastidial glycolytic glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase in the control of plant metabolism and development, „Plant Signaling & Behavior”, 5 (1), 2010, s. 67–69, DOI10.4161/psb.5.1.10200, PMID20592814, PMCIDPMC2835963 [dostęp 2021-03-26] (ang.).
  • Vasilios M.E. Andriotis i inni, Plastidial glycolysis in developing Arabidopsis embryos, „The New Phytologist”, 185 (3), 2010, s. 649–662, DOI10.1111/j.1469-8137.2009.03113.x, PMID20002588 [dostęp 2021-03-26] (ang.).
  • Wanderley de Souza, Special organelles of some pathogenic protozoa, „Parasitology Research”, 88 (12), 2002, s. 1013–1025, DOI10.1007/s00436-002-0696-2, PMID12444449 [dostęp 2021-03-26] (ang.).
  • Jurgen R. Haanstra i inni, Compartmentation prevents a lethal turbo-explosion of glycolysis in trypanosomes, „Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America”, 105 (46), 2008, s. 17718–17723, DOI10.1073/pnas.0806664105, PMID19008351, PMCIDPMC2584722 [dostęp 2021-03-26] (ang.).
  • Marilyn Parsons, Glycosomes: parasites and the divergence of peroxisomal purpose, „Molecular Microbiology”, 53 (3), 2004, s. 717–724, DOI10.1111/j.1365-2958.2004.04203.x, PMID15255886 [dostęp 2021-03-26] (ang.).
  • J. Maxwell Silverman i inni, Proteomic analysis of the secretome of Leishmania donovani, „Genome Biology”, 9 (2), 2008, R35, DOI10.1186/gb-2008-9-2-r35, PMID18282296, PMCIDPMC2374696 [dostęp 2021-03-26] (ang.).
  • M. Parsons i inni, Biogenesis and function of peroxisomes and glycosomes, „Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology”, 115 (1), 2001, s. 19–28, DOI10.1016/s0166-6851(01)00261-4, PMID11377736 [dostęp 2021-03-26] (ang.).
  • F.R. Opperdoes, Compartmentation of carbohydrate metabolism in trypanosomes, „Annual Review of Microbiology”, 41, 1987, s. 127–151, DOI10.1146/annurev.mi.41.100187.001015, PMID3120638 [dostęp 2021-03-26] (ang.).
  • E. Bartholomeus Kuettner i inni, Crystal structure of hexokinase KlHxk1 of Kluyveromyces lactis: a molecular basis for understanding the control of yeast hexokinase functions via covalent modification and oligomerization, „Journal of Biological Chemistry”, 285 (52), 2010, s. 41019–41033, DOI10.1074/jbc.M110.185850, PMID20943665, PMCIDPMC3003401 [dostęp 2021-03-26] (ang.).
  • C.J. Jeffery i inni, Crystal structure of rabbit phosphoglucose isomerase, a glycolytic enzyme that moonlights as neuroleukin, autocrine motility factor, and differentiation mediator, „Biochemistry”, 39 (5), 2000, s. 955–964, DOI10.1021/bi991604m, PMID10653639 [dostęp 2021-03-26] (ang.).
  • B. Siebers i inni, Archaeal fructose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolases constitute a new family of archaeal type class I aldolase, „Journal of Biological Chemistry”, 276 (31), 2001, s. 28710–28718, DOI10.1074/jbc.M103447200, PMID11387336 [dostęp 2021-03-26] (ang.).
  • E. Lorentzen i inni, Structure, function and evolution of the Archaeal class I fructose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase, „Biochemical Society Transactions”, 32 (Pt 2), 2004, s. 259–263, DOI10.1042/bst0320259, PMID15046584 [dostęp 2021-03-26] (ang.).
  • Nicola J. Patron, Matthew B. Rogers, Patrick J. Keeling, Gene replacement of fructose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase supports the hypothesis of a single photosynthetic ancestor of chromalveolates, „Eukaryotic Cell”, 3 (5), 2004, s. 1169–1175, DOI10.1128/EC.3.5.1169-1175.2004, PMID15470245, PMCIDPMC522617 [dostęp 2021-03-26] (ang.).
  • S.M. Zgiby i inni, Exploring substrate binding and discrimination in fructose1, 6-bisphosphate and tagatose 1,6-bisphosphate aldolases, „European Journal of Biochemistry”, 267 (6), 2000, s. 1858–1868, DOI10.1046/j.1432-1327.2000.01191.x, PMID10712619 [dostęp 2021-03-26] (ang.).
  • G. Auerbach i inni, Closed structure of phosphoglycerate kinase from Thermotoga maritima reveals the catalytic mechanism and determinants of thermal stability, „Structure”, 5 (11), 1997, s. 1475–1483, DOI10.1016/s0969-2126(97)00297-9, PMID9384563 [dostęp 2021-03-26] (ang.).
  • C.C. Blake, D.W. Rice, Phosphoglycerate kinase, „Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B. Biological Sciences”, 293 (1063), 1981, s. 93–104, DOI10.1098/rstb.1981.0063, PMID6115427 [dostęp 2021-03-26] (ang.).
  • A.N. Szilágyi i inni, A 1.8 A resolution structure of pig muscle 3-phosphoglycerate kinase with bound MgADP and 3-phosphoglycerate in open conformation: new insight into the role of the nucleotide in domain closure, „Journal of Molecular Biology”, 306 (3), 2001, s. 499–511, DOI10.1006/jmbi.2000.4294, PMID11178909 [dostęp 2021-03-26] (ang.).
  • R.D. Banks i inni, Sequence, structure and activity of phosphoglycerate kinase: a possible hinge-bending enzyme, „Nature”, 279 (5716), 1979, s. 773–777, DOI10.1038/279773a0, PMID450128 [dostęp 2021-03-26] (ang.).
  • B.E. Bernstein, W.G. Hol, Crystal structures of substrates and products bound to the phosphoglycerate kinase active site reveal the catalytic mechanism, „Biochemistry”, 37 (13), 1998, s. 4429–4436, DOI10.1021/bi9724117, PMID9521762 [dostęp 2021-03-26] (ang.).
  • S. Kumar i inni, Folding funnels and conformational transitions via hinge-bending motions, „Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics”, 31 (2), 1999, s. 141–164, DOI10.1007/BF02738169, PMID10593256 [dostęp 2021-03-26] (ang.).
  • E. Zhang i inni, Mechanism of enolase: the crystal structure of asymmetric dimer enolase-2-phospho-D-glycerate/enolase-phosphoenolpyruvate at 2.0 Å resolution, „Biochemistry”, 36 (41), 1997, s. 12526–12534, DOI10.1021/bi9712450, PMID9376357 [dostęp 2021-03-26] (ang.).
  • V. Pancholi, Multifunctional α-enolase: its role in diseases, „Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences”, 58 (7), 2001, s. 902–920, DOI10.1007/pl00000910, PMID11497239 [dostęp 2021-03-26] (ang.).
  • M. Peshavaria, I.N. Day, Molecular structure of the human muscle-specific enolase gene (ENO3), „The Biochemical Journal”, 275 ( Pt 2), 1991, s. 427–433, DOI10.1042/bj2750427, PMID1840492, PMCIDPMC1150071 [dostęp 2021-03-26] (ang.).
  • R.K.J. Hoorn, J.P. Flikweert, G.E.J. Staal, Purification and properties of enolase of human erythrocytes, „International Journal of Biochemistry”, 5 (11-12), 1974, s. 845–852, DOI10.1016/0020-711X(74)90119-0 [dostęp 2021-03-26] (ang.).
  • T.M. Larsen i inni, A carboxylate oxygen of the substrate bridges the magnesium ions at the active site of enolase: structure of the yeast enzyme complexed with the equilibrium mixture of 2-phosphoglycerate and phosphoenolpyruvate at 1.8 Å resolution, „Biochemistry”, 35 (14), 1996, s. 4349–4358, DOI10.1021/bi952859c, PMID8605183 [dostęp 2021-03-26] (ang.).
  • J.E. Wedekind, G.H. Reed, I. Rayment, Octahedral coordination at the high-affinity metal site in enolase: crystallographic analysis of the MgII–enzyme complex from yeast at 1.9 Å resolution, „Biochemistry”, 34 (13), 1995, s. 4325–4330, DOI10.1021/bi00013a022, PMID7703246 [dostęp 2021-03-26] (ang.).
  • J.E. Wedekind i inni, Chelation of serine 39 to Mg2+ latches a gate at the active site of enolase: structure of the bis(Mg2+) complex of yeast enolase and the intermediate analog phosphonoacetohydroxamate at 2.1-Å resolution, „Biochemistry”, 33 (31), 1994, s. 9333–9342, DOI10.1021/bi00197a038, PMID8049235 [dostęp 2021-03-26] (ang.).
  • F.J. Hüther, N. Psarros, H. Duschner, Isolation, characterization, and inhibition kinetics of enolase from Streptococcus rattus FA-1, „Infection and Immunity”, 58 (4), 1990, s. 1043–1047, DOI10.1128/IAI.58.4.1043-1047.1990, PMID2318530, PMCIDPMC258580 [dostęp 2021-03-26] (ang.).
  • T.M. Larsen i inni, Structure of rabbit muscle pyruvate kinase complexed with Mn2+, K+, and pyruvate, „Biochemistry”, 33 (20), 1994, s. 6301–6309, DOI10.1021/bi00186a033, PMID8193145 [dostęp 2021-03-26] (ang.).
  • G. Valentini i inni, The allosteric regulation of pyruvate kinase, „Journal of Biological Chemistry”, 275 (24), 2000, s. 18145–18152, DOI10.1074/jbc.M001870200, PMID10751408 [dostęp 2021-03-26] (ang.).
  • William J. Cook i inni, Crystal structure of Cryptosporidium parvum pyruvate kinase, „PLoS One”, 7 (10), 2012, e46875, DOI10.1371/journal.pone.0046875, PMID23056503, PMCIDPMC3467265 [dostęp 2021-03-26] (ang.).
  • M. Selig i inni, Comparative analysis of Embden-Meyerhof and Entner-Doudoroff glycolytic pathways in hyperthermophilic archaea and the bacterium Thermotoga, „Archives of Microbiology”, 167 (4), 1997, s. 217–232, DOI10.1007/BF03356097, PMID9075622 [dostęp 2021-03-26] (ang.).
  • E. Meléndez-Hevia i inni, Theoretical approaches to the evolutionary optimization of glycolysis--chemical analysis, „European Journal of Biochemistry”, 244 (2), 1997, s. 527–543, DOI10.1111/j.1432-1033.1997.t01-1-00527.x, PMID9119021 [dostęp 2021-03-26] (ang.).

  • A.H. Romano, T. Conway, Evolution of carbohydrate metabolic pathways, „Research in Microbiology”, 147 (6-7), 1996, s. 448–455, DOI10.1016/0923-2508(96)83998-2, PMID9084754 [dostęp 2021-03-26] (ang.).
  • Ron S. Ronimus, Hugh W. Morgan, Distribution and phylogenies of enzymes of the Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas pathway from archaea and hyperthermophilic bacteria support a gluconeogenic origin of metabolism, „Archaea”, 1 (3), 2003, s. 199–221, DOI10.1155/2003/162593, PMID15803666, PMCIDPMC2685568 [dostęp 2021-03-26] (ang.).
  • Jesús Muñoz-Bertomeu i inni, A critical role of plastidial glycolytic glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase in the control of plant metabolism and development, „Plant Signaling & Behavior”, 5 (1), 2010, s. 67–69, DOI10.4161/psb.5.1.10200, PMID20592814, PMCIDPMC2835963 [dostęp 2021-03-26] (ang.).
  • Vasilios M.E. Andriotis i inni, Plastidial glycolysis in developing Arabidopsis embryos, „The New Phytologist”, 185 (3), 2010, s. 649–662, DOI10.1111/j.1469-8137.2009.03113.x, PMID20002588 [dostęp 2021-03-26] (ang.).
  • Wanderley de Souza, Special organelles of some pathogenic protozoa, „Parasitology Research”, 88 (12), 2002, s. 1013–1025, DOI10.1007/s00436-002-0696-2, PMID12444449 [dostęp 2021-03-26] (ang.).
  • Jurgen R. Haanstra i inni, Compartmentation prevents a lethal turbo-explosion of glycolysis in trypanosomes, „Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America”, 105 (46), 2008, s. 17718–17723, DOI10.1073/pnas.0806664105, PMID19008351, PMCIDPMC2584722 [dostęp 2021-03-26] (ang.).
  • Marilyn Parsons, Glycosomes: parasites and the divergence of peroxisomal purpose, „Molecular Microbiology”, 53 (3), 2004, s. 717–724, DOI10.1111/j.1365-2958.2004.04203.x, PMID15255886 [dostęp 2021-03-26] (ang.).
  • J. Maxwell Silverman i inni, Proteomic analysis of the secretome of Leishmania donovani, „Genome Biology”, 9 (2), 2008, R35, DOI10.1186/gb-2008-9-2-r35, PMID18282296, PMCIDPMC2374696 [dostęp 2021-03-26] (ang.).
  • M. Parsons i inni, Biogenesis and function of peroxisomes and glycosomes, „Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology”, 115 (1), 2001, s. 19–28, DOI10.1016/s0166-6851(01)00261-4, PMID11377736 [dostęp 2021-03-26] (ang.).
  • F.R. Opperdoes, Compartmentation of carbohydrate metabolism in trypanosomes, „Annual Review of Microbiology”, 41, 1987, s. 127–151, DOI10.1146/annurev.mi.41.100187.001015, PMID3120638 [dostęp 2021-03-26] (ang.).
  • E. Bartholomeus Kuettner i inni, Crystal structure of hexokinase KlHxk1 of Kluyveromyces lactis: a molecular basis for understanding the control of yeast hexokinase functions via covalent modification and oligomerization, „Journal of Biological Chemistry”, 285 (52), 2010, s. 41019–41033, DOI10.1074/jbc.M110.185850, PMID20943665, PMCIDPMC3003401 [dostęp 2021-03-26] (ang.).
  • C.J. Jeffery i inni, Crystal structure of rabbit phosphoglucose isomerase, a glycolytic enzyme that moonlights as neuroleukin, autocrine motility factor, and differentiation mediator, „Biochemistry”, 39 (5), 2000, s. 955–964, DOI10.1021/bi991604m, PMID10653639 [dostęp 2021-03-26] (ang.).
  • B. Siebers i inni, Archaeal fructose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolases constitute a new family of archaeal type class I aldolase, „Journal of Biological Chemistry”, 276 (31), 2001, s. 28710–28718, DOI10.1074/jbc.M103447200, PMID11387336 [dostęp 2021-03-26] (ang.).
  • E. Lorentzen i inni, Structure, function and evolution of the Archaeal class I fructose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase, „Biochemical Society Transactions”, 32 (Pt 2), 2004, s. 259–263, DOI10.1042/bst0320259, PMID15046584 [dostęp 2021-03-26] (ang.).
  • Nicola J. Patron, Matthew B. Rogers, Patrick J. Keeling, Gene replacement of fructose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase supports the hypothesis of a single photosynthetic ancestor of chromalveolates, „Eukaryotic Cell”, 3 (5), 2004, s. 1169–1175, DOI10.1128/EC.3.5.1169-1175.2004, PMID15470245, PMCIDPMC522617 [dostęp 2021-03-26] (ang.).
  • S.M. Zgiby i inni, Exploring substrate binding and discrimination in fructose1, 6-bisphosphate and tagatose 1,6-bisphosphate aldolases, „European Journal of Biochemistry”, 267 (6), 2000, s. 1858–1868, DOI10.1046/j.1432-1327.2000.01191.x, PMID10712619 [dostęp 2021-03-26] (ang.).
  • H.C. Watson i inni, Sequence and structure of yeast phosphoglycerate kinase, „The EMBO Journal”, 1 (12), 1982, s. 1635–1640, PMID6765200, PMCIDPMC553262 [dostęp 2021-03-26] (ang.).
  • G. Auerbach i inni, Closed structure of phosphoglycerate kinase from Thermotoga maritima reveals the catalytic mechanism and determinants of thermal stability, „Structure”, 5 (11), 1997, s. 1475–1483, DOI10.1016/s0969-2126(97)00297-9, PMID9384563 [dostęp 2021-03-26] (ang.).
  • C.C. Blake, D.W. Rice, Phosphoglycerate kinase, „Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B. Biological Sciences”, 293 (1063), 1981, s. 93–104, DOI10.1098/rstb.1981.0063, PMID6115427 [dostęp 2021-03-26] (ang.).
  • A.N. Szilágyi i inni, A 1.8 A resolution structure of pig muscle 3-phosphoglycerate kinase with bound MgADP and 3-phosphoglycerate in open conformation: new insight into the role of the nucleotide in domain closure, „Journal of Molecular Biology”, 306 (3), 2001, s. 499–511, DOI10.1006/jmbi.2000.4294, PMID11178909 [dostęp 2021-03-26] (ang.).
  • R.D. Banks i inni, Sequence, structure and activity of phosphoglycerate kinase: a possible hinge-bending enzyme, „Nature”, 279 (5716), 1979, s. 773–777, DOI10.1038/279773a0, PMID450128 [dostęp 2021-03-26] (ang.).
  • B.E. Bernstein, W.G. Hol, Crystal structures of substrates and products bound to the phosphoglycerate kinase active site reveal the catalytic mechanism, „Biochemistry”, 37 (13), 1998, s. 4429–4436, DOI10.1021/bi9724117, PMID9521762 [dostęp 2021-03-26] (ang.).
  • S. Kumar i inni, Folding funnels and conformational transitions via hinge-bending motions, „Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics”, 31 (2), 1999, s. 141–164, DOI10.1007/BF02738169, PMID10593256 [dostęp 2021-03-26] (ang.).
  • E. Zhang i inni, Mechanism of enolase: the crystal structure of asymmetric dimer enolase-2-phospho-D-glycerate/enolase-phosphoenolpyruvate at 2.0 Å resolution, „Biochemistry”, 36 (41), 1997, s. 12526–12534, DOI10.1021/bi9712450, PMID9376357 [dostęp 2021-03-26] (ang.).
  • V. Pancholi, Multifunctional α-enolase: its role in diseases, „Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences”, 58 (7), 2001, s. 902–920, DOI10.1007/pl00000910, PMID11497239 [dostęp 2021-03-26] (ang.).
  • M. Peshavaria, I.N. Day, Molecular structure of the human muscle-specific enolase gene (ENO3), „The Biochemical Journal”, 275 ( Pt 2), 1991, s. 427–433, DOI10.1042/bj2750427, PMID1840492, PMCIDPMC1150071 [dostęp 2021-03-26] (ang.).
  • T.M. Larsen i inni, A carboxylate oxygen of the substrate bridges the magnesium ions at the active site of enolase: structure of the yeast enzyme complexed with the equilibrium mixture of 2-phosphoglycerate and phosphoenolpyruvate at 1.8 Å resolution, „Biochemistry”, 35 (14), 1996, s. 4349–4358, DOI10.1021/bi952859c, PMID8605183 [dostęp 2021-03-26] (ang.).
  • J.E. Wedekind, G.H. Reed, I. Rayment, Octahedral coordination at the high-affinity metal site in enolase: crystallographic analysis of the MgII–enzyme complex from yeast at 1.9 Å resolution, „Biochemistry”, 34 (13), 1995, s. 4325–4330, DOI10.1021/bi00013a022, PMID7703246 [dostęp 2021-03-26] (ang.).
  • J.E. Wedekind i inni, Chelation of serine 39 to Mg2+ latches a gate at the active site of enolase: structure of the bis(Mg2+) complex of yeast enolase and the intermediate analog phosphonoacetohydroxamate at 2.1-Å resolution, „Biochemistry”, 33 (31), 1994, s. 9333–9342, DOI10.1021/bi00197a038, PMID8049235 [dostęp 2021-03-26] (ang.).
  • F.J. Hüther, N. Psarros, H. Duschner, Isolation, characterization, and inhibition kinetics of enolase from Streptococcus rattus FA-1, „Infection and Immunity”, 58 (4), 1990, s. 1043–1047, DOI10.1128/IAI.58.4.1043-1047.1990, PMID2318530, PMCIDPMC258580 [dostęp 2021-03-26] (ang.).
  • T.M. Larsen i inni, Structure of rabbit muscle pyruvate kinase complexed with Mn2+, K+, and pyruvate, „Biochemistry”, 33 (20), 1994, s. 6301–6309, DOI10.1021/bi00186a033, PMID8193145 [dostęp 2021-03-26] (ang.).
  • G. Valentini i inni, The allosteric regulation of pyruvate kinase, „Journal of Biological Chemistry”, 275 (24), 2000, s. 18145–18152, DOI10.1074/jbc.M001870200, PMID10751408 [dostęp 2021-03-26] (ang.).
  • William J. Cook i inni, Crystal structure of Cryptosporidium parvum pyruvate kinase, „PLoS One”, 7 (10), 2012, e46875, DOI10.1371/journal.pone.0046875, PMID23056503, PMCIDPMC3467265 [dostęp 2021-03-26] (ang.).
  • T. Dandekar i inni, Pathway alignment: application to the comparative analysis of glycolytic enzymes, „The Biochemical Journal”, 343 Pt 1, 1999, s. 115–124, PMID10493919, PMCIDPMC1220531 [dostęp 2021-03-26] (ang.).
  • M. Selig i inni, Comparative analysis of Embden-Meyerhof and Entner-Doudoroff glycolytic pathways in hyperthermophilic archaea and the bacterium Thermotoga, „Archives of Microbiology”, 167 (4), 1997, s. 217–232, DOI10.1007/BF03356097, PMID9075622 [dostęp 2021-03-26] (ang.).
  • E. Meléndez-Hevia i inni, Theoretical approaches to the evolutionary optimization of glycolysis--chemical analysis, „European Journal of Biochemistry”, 244 (2), 1997, s. 527–543, DOI10.1111/j.1432-1033.1997.t01-1-00527.x, PMID9119021 [dostęp 2021-03-26] (ang.).

  • Hans Günter Schlegel, Mikrobiologia ogólna, Zdzisław Markiewicz (red.), wyd. 2 popr., Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 2004, s. 295–296, ISBN 83-01-13999-4, OCLC 749371403.