J.M. Cameron, Pictou county’s history ↓, s. 274; Granton [online], Natural Resources Canada / Ressources naturelles Canada – nrcan.gc.ca [dostęp 2021-06-21]; Middle River [online], Natural Resources Canada / Ressources naturelles Canada – nrcan.gc.ca [dostęp 2021-06-21]; Middle River of Pictou [online], Natural Resources Canada / Ressources naturelles Canada – nrcan.gc.ca [dostęp 2021-06-21]; McAlpine’s Gazetteer of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and New Foundland. Geographical and historical data of provinces and cities – location of towns, villiges and hamlets, barristers – hotels – customs tariff and abstract of collection laws for each province, Halifax, Canada: Royal Print & Litho Limited, 1919, s. 310.