Hadji Ali Does Amazing Feats. „The Fredonia Censor”, s. 8, 1928-05-02. Fredonia, NY. Cytat: One can always hear a Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra. One can always see Walter Hampden or Ethel Barrymore giving their superb renditions of Shakespeare, or, if one’s fancy turns to boxing, or wrestling he can visit the new Madison Square Garden... [but] with all due respect to the art of John McCormick, Harold Lloyd or Jack Dempsey none of them can swallow three gallons of water, or fifty hazel nuts and one almond nut and return the almond at any number called between one and fifty. Not one of them can swallow three different handkerchiefs and then restore any one of the handkerchiefs called for. And it is questionable as to their ability to drink kerosene oil. Mr. Hadji Ali can do all of these things. (ang.).
At the Jefferson. „The Auburn Citizen”, s. 15, 1926-04-21. Auburn, Nowy Jork.