Martin Richards: The BCPL Cintsys and Cintpos User Guide. Cambridge: Computer Laboratory University of Cambridge, January 28, 2011. [dostęp 2011-01-31]. (ang.). Brak numerów stron w książce
Martin Richards: The MCPL Programming Manual and User Guide. Cambridge: Computer Laboratory University of Cambridge, May 23, 2007. [dostęp 2011-01-31]. (ang.). Brak numerów stron w książce
Paul M.B. Vitanyi. Turing machine. „Scholarpedia”. 4 (3), 2009. ISSN1941-6016. [dostęp 2010-09-22]. Cytat: In the last three-quarter of a century the Turing machine model has proven to be of priceless value for the development of the science of dataprocessing. All theory development reaches back to this format. The model has become so dominant that new other models that are not polynomial-time reducible to Turing machines are viewed as not realistic (the so-called polynomial-time Computability thesis).brak numeru strony
Paul M.B. Vitanyi. Turing machine. „Scholarpedia”. 4 (3), 2009. ISSN1941-6016. [dostęp 2010-09-22]. Cytat: In the last three-quarter of a century the Turing machine model has proven to be of priceless value for the development of the science of dataprocessing. All theory development reaches back to this format. The model has become so dominant that new other models that are not polynomial-time reducible to Turing machines are viewed as not realistic (the so-called polynomial-time Computability thesis).brak numeru strony
MichałM.IglewskiMichałM., JanJ.MadeyJanJ., StanisławS.MatwinStanisławS., Pascal. Język wzorcowy – Pascal 360, wyd. trzecie – zmienione, Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Naukowo-Techniczne, 1984 (Biblioteka Inżynierii Oprogramowania), ISBN 83-85060-53-7, ISSN0867-6011(pol.). Brak numerów stron w książce