Charles T.Ch.T.CollinsCharles T.Ch.T., Swifts: A Guide to the Swifts and Treeswifts of the World Phil Chantler Gerald Driessens, „The Auk”, 114 (1), 1997, s. 152–154, DOI: 10.2307/4089086, ISSN0004-8038, JSTOR: 4089086.
Apus pacificus, [w:] Integrated Taxonomic Information System(ang.).
Apus pacificus, [w:] The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species(ang.).
Charles T.Ch.T.CollinsCharles T.Ch.T., Swifts: A Guide to the Swifts and Treeswifts of the World Phil Chantler Gerald Driessens, „The Auk”, 114 (1), 1997, s. 152–154, DOI: 10.2307/4089086, ISSN0004-8038, JSTOR: 4089086.
Charles T.Ch.T.CollinsCharles T.Ch.T., Swifts: A Guide to the Swifts and Treeswifts of the World Phil Chantler Gerald Driessens, „The Auk”, 114 (1), 1997, s. 152–154, DOI: 10.2307/4089086, ISSN0004-8038, JSTOR: 4089086.