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EwaE.KrawczykEwaE. i inni, Koilocytosis: a cooperative interaction between the human papillomavirus E5 and E6 oncoproteins, „The American Journal of Pathology”, 173 (3), 2008, s. 682–688, DOI: 10.2353/ajpath.2008.080280, ISSN0002-9440, PMID: 18688031, PMCID: PMC2527066 [dostęp 2017-12-12].
SeemaS.AggarwalSeemaS. i inni, Koilocytosis: correlations with high-risk HPV and its comparison on tissue sections and cytology, urothelial carcinoma, „Diagnostic Cytopathology”, 37 (3), 2009, s. 174–177, DOI: 10.1002/dc.20978, ISSN1097-0339, PMID: 19170170 [dostęp 2017-12-12].
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EwaE.KrawczykEwaE. i inni, Koilocytosis: a cooperative interaction between the human papillomavirus E5 and E6 oncoproteins, „The American Journal of Pathology”, 173 (3), 2008, s. 682–688, DOI: 10.2353/ajpath.2008.080280, ISSN0002-9440, PMID: 18688031, PMCID: PMC2527066 [dostęp 2017-12-12].
SeemaS.AggarwalSeemaS. i inni, Koilocytosis: correlations with high-risk HPV and its comparison on tissue sections and cytology, urothelial carcinoma, „Diagnostic Cytopathology”, 37 (3), 2009, s. 174–177, DOI: 10.1002/dc.20978, ISSN1097-0339, PMID: 19170170 [dostęp 2017-12-12].
Ana Claudia CamargoA.C.C.CamposAna Claudia CamargoA.C.C. i inni, Prevalence of vulvovaginitis and bacterial vaginosis in patients with koilocytosis, „Sao Paulo Medical Journal = Revista Paulista De Medicina”, 126 (6), 2008, s. 333–336, ISSN1806-9460, PMID: 19274321 [dostęp 2017-12-12].
M.E.M.E.BoonM.E.M.E. i inni, Koilocytosis and squamous (pre)neoplasia as detected in population-based cervical screening: practice and theory, „European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology”, 26 (5), 2005, s. 533–536, ISSN0392-2936, PMID: 16285573 [dostęp 2017-12-12].