Kutyna (Polish Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Kutyna" in Polish language version.

Global rank Polish rank
4th place
7th place
2nd place
6th place


  • D. Panikashvili, JX. Shi, L. Schreiber, A. Aharoni. The Arabidopsis DCR encoding a soluble BAHD acyltransferase is required for cutin polyester formation and seed hydration properties.. „Plant Physiol”. 151 (4), s. 1773-89, Dec 2009. DOI: 10.1104/pp.109.143388. PMID: 19828672. 
  • M. Pollard, F. Beisson, Y. Li, JB. Ohlrogge. Building lipid barriers: biosynthesis of cutin and suberin.. „Trends Plant Sci”. 13 (5), s. 236-46, May 2008. DOI: 10.1016/j.tplants.2008.03.003. PMID: 18440267. 



  • PE. Kolattukudy. Polyesters in higher plants.. „Adv Biochem Eng Biotechnol”. 71, s. 1-49, 2001. PMID: 11217409. 
  • D. Panikashvili, JX. Shi, L. Schreiber, A. Aharoni. The Arabidopsis DCR encoding a soluble BAHD acyltransferase is required for cutin polyester formation and seed hydration properties.. „Plant Physiol”. 151 (4), s. 1773-89, Dec 2009. DOI: 10.1104/pp.109.143388. PMID: 19828672. 
  • M. Pollard, F. Beisson, Y. Li, JB. Ohlrogge. Building lipid barriers: biosynthesis of cutin and suberin.. „Trends Plant Sci”. 13 (5), s. 236-46, May 2008. DOI: 10.1016/j.tplants.2008.03.003. PMID: 18440267.