Limfocyt Tγδ (Polish Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Limfocyt Tγδ" in Polish language version.

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4th place
7th place
2nd place
6th place

  • F. Coffey, SY. Lee, TB. Buus, JP. Lauritsen i inni. The TCR ligand-inducible expression of CD73 marks γδ lineage commitment and a metastable intermediate in effector specification.. „J Exp Med”. 211 (2), s. 329-43, Feb 2014. DOI: 10.1084/jem.20131540. PMID: 24493796. 
  • M. Takamizawa, F. Fagnoni, A. Mehta-Damani, A. Rivas i inni. Cellular and molecular basis of human gamma delta T cell activation. Role of accessory molecules in alloactivation.. „J Clin Invest”. 95 (1), s. 296-303, Jan 1995. DOI: 10.1172/JCI117654. PMID: 7814628.

  • F. Coffey, SY. Lee, TB. Buus, JP. Lauritsen i inni. The TCR ligand-inducible expression of CD73 marks γδ lineage commitment and a metastable intermediate in effector specification.. „J Exp Med”. 211 (2), s. 329-43, Feb 2014. DOI: 10.1084/jem.20131540. PMID: 24493796. 
  • M. Takamizawa, F. Fagnoni, A. Mehta-Damani, A. Rivas i inni. Cellular and molecular basis of human gamma delta T cell activation. Role of accessory molecules in alloactivation.. „J Clin Invest”. 95 (1), s. 296-303, Jan 1995. DOI: 10.1172/JCI117654. PMID: 7814628. 
  • JM. Penninger, E. Timms, A. Shahinian, A. Jezo-Bremond i inni. Alloreactive gamma delta thymocytes utilize distinct costimulatory signals from peripheral T cells.. „J Immunol”. 155 (8), s. 3847-55, Oct 1995. PMID: 7561091. 
  • EC. Dudley, M. Girardi, MJ. Owen, AC. Hayday. Alpha beta and gamma delta T cells can share a late common precursor.. „Curr Biol”. 5 (6), s. 659-69, Jun 1995. PMID: 7552177.