Megalodon (Polish Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Megalodon" in Polish language version.

Global rank Polish rank
2nd place
6th place
low place
low place
1st place
1st place
8,348th place
low place
1,339th place
17th place
9th place
16th place

  • Kenshu Shimada, Martin A. Becker, Michael L. Griffiths. Body, jaw, and dentition lengths of macrophagous lamniform sharks, and body size evolution in Lamniformes with special reference to 'off-the-scale' gigantism of the megatooth shark, Otodus megalodon. „Historical Biology”, 2020. DOI: 10.1080/08912963.2020.1812598. (ang.). 
  • Jack A. Cooper, Catalina Pimiento, Humberto G. Ferrón, Michael J. Benton. Body dimensions of the extinct giant shark Otodus megalodon: a 2D reconstruction. „Scientific Reports”. 10, 14596, 2020. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-71387-y. (ang.). 
  • Catalina Pimiento, Meghan A. Balk. Body-size trends of the extinct giant shark Carcharocles megalodon: a deep-time perspective on marine apex predators. „Paleobiology”. 41 (3), s. 479–490, 2015. DOI: 10.1017/pab.2015.16. (ang.).

  • John Clay Bruner. El Tiburón "Megadiente" Carcharodon megalodon "De dientes duros y enormes". „Mundo Marino Revista Internacional de Vida Marina”. 1997 (5), s. 6–11, 1997. (hiszp.).  Artykuł w tłumaczeniu na język angielski.

  • Steven Alter: Megalodon. Fossil News – Journal of Amateur Paleontology, 1997. [dostęp 2009-04-10]. (ang.).