Whelan J, Le Deley MC, Dirksen U, Le Teuff G, Brennan B, Gaspar N, Hawkins DS, Amler S, Bauer S, Bielack S, Blay JY, Burdach S, Castex MP, Dilloo D, Eggert A, Gelderblom H, Gentet JC, Hartmann W, Hassenpflug WA, Hjorth L, Jimenez M, Klingebiel T, Kontny U, Kruseova J, Ladenstein R, Laurence V, Lervat C, Marec-Berard P, Marreaud S, Michon J, Morland B, Paulussen M, Ranft A, Reichardt P, van den Berg H, Wheatley K, Judson I, Lewis I, Craft A, Juergens H, Oberlin O; Euro-E.W.I.N.G.99 and EWING-2008 Investigators. High-Dose Chemotherapy and Blood Autologous Stem-Cell Rescue Compared With Standard Chemotherapy in Localized High-Risk Ewing Sarcoma: Results of Euro-E.W.I.N.G.99 and Ewing-2008.. „J Clin Oncol.”. JCO2018782516, 2018 Sep 6. DOI: 10.1200/JCO.2018.78.2516. PMID: 30188789.
Raciborska A, Bilska K, Drabko K, Michalak E, Chaber R, Pogorzała M, Połczyńska K, Sobol G, Wieczorek M, Muszyńska-Rosłan K, Rychlowska-Pruszyńska M, Rodriguez-Galindo C, Dziuk M.. Response to chemotherapy estimates by FDG PET is an important prognostic factor in patients with Ewing sarcoma.. „Clin Transl Oncol.”. 18, s. 189-195, 2016. DOI: 10.1007/s12094-015-1351-6. PMID: 26250765.
Raciborska A, Bilska K, Filipp E, Drabko K, Rogowska E, Chaber R, Pogorzała M, Połczyńska K, Adrianowska N, Rodriguez-Galindo C, Maciejewski T.. Ovarian function in female survivors after multimodal Ewing sarcoma therapy.. „Pediatr Blood Cancer.”. 62, s. 341-345, 2015 Feb. DOI: 10.1002/pbc.25304. PMID: 25399867.
Raciborska A, Bilska K, Rychłowska-Pruszyńska M, Duczkowski M, Duczkowska A, Drabko K, Chaber R, Sobol G, Wyrobek E, Michalak E, Rodriguez-Galindo C, Wożniak W.. Management and follow-up of Ewing sarcoma patients with isolated lung metastases.. „J Pediatr Surg.”. 51, s. 1067-1071, 2016. DOI: 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2015.11.012. PMID: 26707423.
Raciborska A, Bilska K, Rychlowska-Pruszynska M, Drabko K, Chaber R, Pogorzała M, Połczyńska K, Godziński J, Rodriguez-Galindo C, Wożniak W.. Internal hemipelvectomy in the management of pelvic Ewing sarcoma - are outcomes better than with radiation therapy?. „J Pediatr Surg.”. 49, s. 1500-1504, 2014 Oct. DOI: 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2014.04.013. PMID: 25280655.
Drabko K, Raciborska A, Bilska K, Styczynski J, Ussowicz M, Choma M, Wojcik B, Zaucha-Prazmo A, Gorczynska E, Skoczen S, Wozniak W, Chybicka A, Wysocki M, Gozdzik J, Kowalczyk J.. Consolidation of first-line therapy with busulphan and melphalan, and autologous stem cell rescue in children with Ewing's sarcoma.. „Bone Marrow Transplant”. 47, s. 1530–1534, 2012. DOI: 10.1038/bmt.2012.78. PMID: 22609883.
Heinemann M, Ranft A, Langer T, Jürgens H, Kreyer J, Vieth V, Schäfers M, Weckesser M, Simon T, Hassenpflug W, Corbacioglu S, Bielack S, Mayer-Steinacker R, Kühne T, van den Berg H, Gelderblom H, Bauer S, Stegger L, Dirksen U.. Recurrence of Ewing sarcoma: Is detection by imaging follow-up protocol associated with survival advantage?. „Pediatr Blood Cancer.”. 65, s. e27011, 2018 Jul. DOI: 10.1002/pbc.27011. PMID: 29480574.
Raciborska A, Bilska K, Drabko K, Chaber R, Pogorzala M, Wyrobek E, Polczyńska K, Rogowska E, Rodriguez-Galindo C, Wozniak W.. Vincristine, irinotecan, and temozolomide in patients with relapsed and refractory Ewing sarcoma.. „Pediatr Blood Cancer.”. 60, s. 1621-1625, 2013 Oct. DOI: 10.1002/pbc.24621. PMID: 23776128.
Raciborska A, Bilska K. Sorafenib in patients with progressed and refractory bone tumors.. „Med Oncol.”. 35, s. 126, 2018 Aug 16. DOI: 10.1007/s12032-018-1180-x. PMID: 30116912.
Whelan J, Le Deley MC, Dirksen U, Le Teuff G, Brennan B, Gaspar N, Hawkins DS, Amler S, Bauer S, Bielack S, Blay JY, Burdach S, Castex MP, Dilloo D, Eggert A, Gelderblom H, Gentet JC, Hartmann W, Hassenpflug WA, Hjorth L, Jimenez M, Klingebiel T, Kontny U, Kruseova J, Ladenstein R, Laurence V, Lervat C, Marec-Berard P, Marreaud S, Michon J, Morland B, Paulussen M, Ranft A, Reichardt P, van den Berg H, Wheatley K, Judson I, Lewis I, Craft A, Juergens H, Oberlin O; Euro-E.W.I.N.G.99 and EWING-2008 Investigators. High-Dose Chemotherapy and Blood Autologous Stem-Cell Rescue Compared With Standard Chemotherapy in Localized High-Risk Ewing Sarcoma: Results of Euro-E.W.I.N.G.99 and Ewing-2008.. „J Clin Oncol.”. JCO2018782516, 2018 Sep 6. DOI: 10.1200/JCO.2018.78.2516. PMID: 30188789.
Raciborska A, Bilska K, Drabko K, Michalak E, Chaber R, Pogorzała M, Połczyńska K, Sobol G, Wieczorek M, Muszyńska-Rosłan K, Rychlowska-Pruszyńska M, Rodriguez-Galindo C, Dziuk M.. Response to chemotherapy estimates by FDG PET is an important prognostic factor in patients with Ewing sarcoma.. „Clin Transl Oncol.”. 18, s. 189-195, 2016. DOI: 10.1007/s12094-015-1351-6. PMID: 26250765.
Raciborska A, Bilska K, Filipp E, Drabko K, Rogowska E, Chaber R, Pogorzała M, Połczyńska K, Adrianowska N, Rodriguez-Galindo C, Maciejewski T.. Ovarian function in female survivors after multimodal Ewing sarcoma therapy.. „Pediatr Blood Cancer.”. 62, s. 341-345, 2015 Feb. DOI: 10.1002/pbc.25304. PMID: 25399867.
Skinner R, Mulder RL, Kremer LC, Hudson MM, Constine LS, Bardi E, Boekhout A, Borgmann-Staudt A, Brown MC, Cohn R, Dirksen U, Giwercman A, Ishiguro H, Jahnukainen K, Kenney LB, Loonen JJ, Meacham L, Neggers S, Nussey S, Petersen C, Shnorhavorian M, van den Heuvel-Eibrink MM, van Santen HM, Wallace WH, Green DM.. Recommendations for gonadotoxicity surveillance in male childhood, adolescent, and young adult cancer survivors: a report from the International Late Effects of Childhood Cancer Guideline Harmonization Group in collaboration with the PanCareSurFup Consortium.. „Lancet Oncol.”. 18, s. e75-e90, 2017 Apr. PMID: 28214419.
Raciborska A, Bilska K, Rogowska E, Godziński J, Wożniak W.. Surgical treatment of patients with disseminated Ewing sarcoma in our clinical experience.. „Ortop Traumatol Rehabil.”. 13, s. 271-277, 2011 May-Jun. PMID: 21750357.
Raciborska A, Bilska K, Rychłowska-Pruszyńska M, Duczkowski M, Duczkowska A, Drabko K, Chaber R, Sobol G, Wyrobek E, Michalak E, Rodriguez-Galindo C, Wożniak W.. Management and follow-up of Ewing sarcoma patients with isolated lung metastases.. „J Pediatr Surg.”. 51, s. 1067-1071, 2016. DOI: 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2015.11.012. PMID: 26707423.
Raciborska A, Bilska K, Rychlowska-Pruszynska M, Drabko K, Chaber R, Pogorzała M, Połczyńska K, Godziński J, Rodriguez-Galindo C, Wożniak W.. Internal hemipelvectomy in the management of pelvic Ewing sarcoma - are outcomes better than with radiation therapy?. „J Pediatr Surg.”. 49, s. 1500-1504, 2014 Oct. DOI: 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2014.04.013. PMID: 25280655.
Drabko K, Raciborska A, Bilska K, Styczynski J, Ussowicz M, Choma M, Wojcik B, Zaucha-Prazmo A, Gorczynska E, Skoczen S, Wozniak W, Chybicka A, Wysocki M, Gozdzik J, Kowalczyk J.. Consolidation of first-line therapy with busulphan and melphalan, and autologous stem cell rescue in children with Ewing's sarcoma.. „Bone Marrow Transplant”. 47, s. 1530–1534, 2012. DOI: 10.1038/bmt.2012.78. PMID: 22609883.
Heinemann M, Ranft A, Langer T, Jürgens H, Kreyer J, Vieth V, Schäfers M, Weckesser M, Simon T, Hassenpflug W, Corbacioglu S, Bielack S, Mayer-Steinacker R, Kühne T, van den Berg H, Gelderblom H, Bauer S, Stegger L, Dirksen U.. Recurrence of Ewing sarcoma: Is detection by imaging follow-up protocol associated with survival advantage?. „Pediatr Blood Cancer.”. 65, s. e27011, 2018 Jul. DOI: 10.1002/pbc.27011. PMID: 29480574.
Raciborska A, Bilska K, Drabko K, Rogowska E, Chaber R, Pogorzała M, Wyrobek E, Połczyńska K, Rodriguez-Galindo C, Woźniak W.. Chemotherapy in patients with refractory Ewing sarcoma. „Med Wieku Rozwoj.”. 17, s. 117-125, 2013. PMID: 23988368.
Raciborska A, Bilska K, Drabko K, Chaber R, Pogorzala M, Wyrobek E, Polczyńska K, Rogowska E, Rodriguez-Galindo C, Wozniak W.. Vincristine, irinotecan, and temozolomide in patients with relapsed and refractory Ewing sarcoma.. „Pediatr Blood Cancer.”. 60, s. 1621-1625, 2013 Oct. DOI: 10.1002/pbc.24621. PMID: 23776128.
Raciborska A, Bilska K. Sorafenib in patients with progressed and refractory bone tumors.. „Med Oncol.”. 35, s. 126, 2018 Aug 16. DOI: 10.1007/s12032-018-1180-x. PMID: 30116912.
JerzyJ.StachuraJerzyJ., WenancjuszW.DomagałaWenancjuszW., Patologia znaczy słowo o chorobie, Kraków: Wydawnictwo PAU, 2003, ISBN 83-88857-65-7, OCLC749316041. Brak numerów stron w książce