Marian Klamer, Ger Reesink, Miriam van Staden: East Nusantara as a linguistic area. W: Pieter Muysken (red.): From Linguistic Areas to Areal Linguistics. Amsterdam–Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing, 2008, s. 104-106, seria: Studies in Language Companion Series 90. DOI: 10.1075/slcs.90.03kla. ISBN 978-90-272-3100-0. OCLC648344504. Cytat: "When the first Europeans arrived in the late 16th century, people from the Bird’s Head lived on Ternate and Tidore as slaves (popuha in these languages).". (ang.).
Andrew Pawley, Harald Hammarström: The Trans New Guinea family. W: Bill Palmer (red.): The Languages and Linguistics of the New Guinea Area: A Comprehensive Guide. Berlin–Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2018, s. 22, seria: The World of Linguistics 4. DOI: 10.1515/9783110295252-002. ISBN 978-3-11-029525-2. OCLC1041880153. Cytat: The Indonesian half of the island of New Guinea comprises two provinces: Provinsi Papua (the main part of the island, excluding the Bird’s Head), and Provinsi Papua Barat (centred on the Bird’s Head). Together these are often referred to as West Papua. (ang.).
Marian Klamer, Ger Reesink, Miriam van Staden: East Nusantara as a linguistic area. W: Pieter Muysken (red.): From Linguistic Areas to Areal Linguistics. Amsterdam–Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing, 2008, s. 104-106, seria: Studies in Language Companion Series 90. DOI: 10.1075/slcs.90.03kla. ISBN 978-90-272-3100-0. OCLC648344504. Cytat: "When the first Europeans arrived in the late 16th century, people from the Bird’s Head lived on Ternate and Tidore as slaves (popuha in these languages).". (ang.).
El comienzo de la exploración de Nueva Guinea, [w:] Carlos A. FontC.A.F.GaviraCarlos A. FontC.A.F., ¿Fue Nueva Guinea una posesión española?, Geografía Infinita, 13 sierpnia 2020 [dostęp 2023-02-27](hiszp.).
Andrew Pawley, Harald Hammarström: The Trans New Guinea family. W: Bill Palmer (red.): The Languages and Linguistics of the New Guinea Area: A Comprehensive Guide. Berlin–Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2018, s. 22, seria: The World of Linguistics 4. DOI: 10.1515/9783110295252-002. ISBN 978-3-11-029525-2. OCLC1041880153. Cytat: The Indonesian half of the island of New Guinea comprises two provinces: Provinsi Papua (the main part of the island, excluding the Bird’s Head), and Provinsi Papua Barat (centred on the Bird’s Head). Together these are often referred to as West Papua. (ang.).
MichałM.MissalaMichałM., Perspektywy samostanowienia Papui Zachodniej, „Stosunki Międzynarodowe”, 26 (3–4), Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 2002, s. 202, ISSN0209-0961 [dostęp 2022-08-30], Cytat: "Papua Zachodnia (...) składa się z zachodniej części Nowej Gwinei, drugiej pod względem wielkości wyspy świata, oraz z pobliskich mniejszych wysp."(pol.).
Simon Philpott: Governing West Papua: The Limits of Authoritarian Governmentality. W: Terri-Anne Teo, Elisa Wynne-Hughes (red.): Postcolonial Governmentalities: Rationalities, Violences and Contestations. London: Rowman & Littlefield, 2020, s. 145–165. ISBN 978-1-78660-684-6. OCLC1137194260. Cytat: Independence activists seek a unified nation that they most commonly refer to as West Papua. (przyp. 27, s. 164). (ang.).
II. Voyages to the Spice Islands and Discovery of Papua, [w:] George Collingridge DeG.C.D.TourceyGeorge Collingridge DeG.C.D., The First Discovery of Australia and New Guinea [www], Project Gutenberg Australia, 1906 [dostęp 2023-02-13].
Luis Vaez de Torres [online], Project Gutenberg Australia [dostęp 2023-02-06].
XII. Torres' Discoveries, [w:] George Collingridge DeG.C.D.TourceyGeorge Collingridge DeG.C.D., The First Discovery of Australia and New Guinea [www], Project Gutenberg Australia, 1906 [dostęp 2023-02-06](ang.).
F. S. Watuseke. West Makian, a Language of the North-Halmahéra Group of the West-Irian Phylum. „Anthropological Linguistics”. 18 (6), s. 285, 1976. ISSN0003-5483. OCLC773555532. JSTOR: 30027583. Cytat: "In this paper I use the Indonesian term Irian instead of the term Papua. The name Irian is a postwar Indonesian name for the island that was called New Guinea, or in Malay, Papua. The name Irian has been used since 1946 and was proclaimed by Mr. Kasiepo[sic] a native representative from Irian in his speech at the Malino conference.". (ang.).
4. Francisco Rodrigues and Tome Pires, [w:] J.H.F. SollewijnJ.H.F.S.GelpkeJ.H.F. SollewijnJ.H.F.S., ON THE ORIGIN OF THE NAME PAPUA, „Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde”, 149 (2), 1993, s. 322–323, ISSN0006-2294, JSTOR: 27864458 [dostęp 2023-02-09].???
JoséJ.CarlosJoséJ., Pacífico. El Lago Español [online], Memorias de un tambor., 6 września 2018 [dostęp 2023-02-27](hiszp.).
Australia. Department of External Territories, Administration of Papua New Guinea, 1972/1973, PP no. 208 of 1974, Canberra : Australian Government Publishing Service, 1975, s. 4 [dostęp 2023-02-03](ang.).
3. Conquistadors, traders, and pirates seek their fortunes in the Pacific, [w:] ClaireC.BrennanClaireC., Beyond Cook: Explorers of Australia and the Pacific, 12 kwietnia 2022 [dostęp 2023-02-28](ang.). Brak numerów stron w książce
Guidance and regulation - Toponymic factfiles - Indonesia. Permanent Committee on Geographical Names, 2022-10-21, s. 2. [dostęp 2023-02-09]. Cytat: "Papua is the Indonesian name for the island known in English as New Guinea. The island is divided between two countries: the western half comprises the Indonesian provinces of Papua, Papua Barat, Papua Pegunungan, Papua Selatan and Papua Tengah; the eastern half comprises the major part of Papua New Guinea (an independent country since 1975).". (ang.).
Guidance and regulation - Information papers - Indonesia: administrative divisions [pdf], Permanent Committee on Geographical Names, 11 lutego 2016, s. 1 [dostęp 2023-02-09] [zarchiwizowane z adresu 2023-02-14], Cytat: "Papua is the Indonesian name for the island of New Guinea. The island is divided between two countries: the western half comprises the Indonesian provinces of Papua and Papua Barat, and the eastern half comprises the major part of Papua New Guinea (an independent country since 1975)."(ang.), pdf usunięty z "Information papers" 16 maja 2023, nowsze dane w "Toponymic factfiles".
4. Francisco Rodrigues and Tome Pires, [w:] J.H.F. SollewijnJ.H.F.S.GelpkeJ.H.F. SollewijnJ.H.F.S., ON THE ORIGIN OF THE NAME PAPUA, „Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde”, 149 (2), 1993, s. 322–323, ISSN0006-2294, JSTOR: 27864458 [dostęp 2023-02-09].???
Guidance and regulation - Information papers - Indonesia: administrative divisions [pdf], Permanent Committee on Geographical Names, 11 lutego 2016, s. 1 [dostęp 2023-02-09] [zarchiwizowane z adresu 2023-02-14], Cytat: "Papua is the Indonesian name for the island of New Guinea. The island is divided between two countries: the western half comprises the Indonesian provinces of Papua and Papua Barat, and the eastern half comprises the major part of Papua New Guinea (an independent country since 1975)."(ang.), pdf usunięty z "Information papers" 16 maja 2023, nowsze dane w "Toponymic factfiles".
Andrew Pawley, Harald Hammarström: The Trans New Guinea family. W: Bill Palmer (red.): The Languages and Linguistics of the New Guinea Area: A Comprehensive Guide. Berlin–Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2018, s. 22, seria: The World of Linguistics 4. DOI: 10.1515/9783110295252-002. ISBN 978-3-11-029525-2. OCLC1041880153. Cytat: The Indonesian half of the island of New Guinea comprises two provinces: Provinsi Papua (the main part of the island, excluding the Bird’s Head), and Provinsi Papua Barat (centred on the Bird’s Head). Together these are often referred to as West Papua. (ang.).
MichałM.MissalaMichałM., Perspektywy samostanowienia Papui Zachodniej, „Stosunki Międzynarodowe”, 26 (3–4), Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 2002, s. 202, ISSN0209-0961 [dostęp 2022-08-30], Cytat: "Papua Zachodnia (...) składa się z zachodniej części Nowej Gwinei, drugiej pod względem wielkości wyspy świata, oraz z pobliskich mniejszych wysp."(pol.).
Simon Philpott: Governing West Papua: The Limits of Authoritarian Governmentality. W: Terri-Anne Teo, Elisa Wynne-Hughes (red.): Postcolonial Governmentalities: Rationalities, Violences and Contestations. London: Rowman & Littlefield, 2020, s. 145–165. ISBN 978-1-78660-684-6. OCLC1137194260. Cytat: Independence activists seek a unified nation that they most commonly refer to as West Papua. (przyp. 27, s. 164). (ang.).
Miriam van Staden: Tidore: a linguistic description of a language of the North Moluccas. Leiden: Universiteit Leiden, 2000, s. 10. OCLC46768773. (ang.).
Marian Klamer, Ger Reesink, Miriam van Staden: East Nusantara as a linguistic area. W: Pieter Muysken (red.): From Linguistic Areas to Areal Linguistics. Amsterdam–Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing, 2008, s. 104-106, seria: Studies in Language Companion Series 90. DOI: 10.1075/slcs.90.03kla. ISBN 978-90-272-3100-0. OCLC648344504. Cytat: "When the first Europeans arrived in the late 16th century, people from the Bird’s Head lived on Ternate and Tidore as slaves (popuha in these languages).". (ang.).
hasło „Papuánci”. W: Václav Hubinger, František Honzák, Jiří Polišenský: Národy celého světa. Praha: Mladá fronta, 1985, s. 238. OCLC012806523. (cz.).
F. S. Watuseke. West Makian, a Language of the North-Halmahéra Group of the West-Irian Phylum. „Anthropological Linguistics”. 18 (6), s. 285, 1976. ISSN0003-5483. OCLC773555532. JSTOR: 30027583. Cytat: "In this paper I use the Indonesian term Irian instead of the term Papua. The name Irian is a postwar Indonesian name for the island that was called New Guinea, or in Malay, Papua. The name Irian has been used since 1946 and was proclaimed by Mr. Kasiepo[sic] a native representative from Irian in his speech at the Malino conference.". (ang.).
4. Francisco Rodrigues and Tome Pires, [w:] J.H.F. SollewijnJ.H.F.S.GelpkeJ.H.F. SollewijnJ.H.F.S., ON THE ORIGIN OF THE NAME PAPUA, „Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde”, 149 (2), 1993, s. 322–323, ISSN0006-2294, JSTOR: 27864458 [dostęp 2023-02-09].???