Operon (biologia) (Polish Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Operon (biologia)" in Polish language version.

Global rank Polish rank
4th place
7th place
2nd place
6th place


  • S. Brogna, M. Ashburner. The Adh-related gene of Drosophila melanogaster is expressed as a functional dicistronic messenger RNA: multigenic transcription in higher organisms.. „EMBO J”. 16 (8), s. 2023-31, Apr 1997. DOI: 10.1093/emboj/16.8.2023. PMID: 9155028. 



  • T. Blumenthal. Operons in eukaryotes.. „Brief Funct Genomic Proteomic”. 3 (3), s. 199-211, Nov 2004. PMID: 15642184. 
  • J. Spieth, G. Brooke, S. Kuersten, K. Lea i inni. Operons in C. elegans: polycistronic mRNA precursors are processed by trans-splicing of SL2 to downstream coding regions.. „Cell”. 73 (3), s. 521-32, May 1993. PMID: 8098272. 
  • S. Brogna, M. Ashburner. The Adh-related gene of Drosophila melanogaster is expressed as a functional dicistronic messenger RNA: multigenic transcription in higher organisms.. „EMBO J”. 16 (8), s. 2023-31, Apr 1997. DOI: 10.1093/emboj/16.8.2023. PMID: 9155028.