Rozdział 3 – Bezkręgowce – Zagrożenie zdrowia ludzi – Parzydełkowce, [w:] MarkM.MitchellMarkM., Zwierzęta egzotyczne, Elsevier Health Sciences Poland, 13 stycznia 2012, s. 36, ISBN 978-83-7609-427-4 [dostęp 2019-05-03](pol.).
Chironex fleckeri, [w:] Integrated Taxonomic Information System(ang.).
PJ. Fenner, JA. Williamson. Worldwide deaths and severe envenomation from jellyfish stings.. „Med J Aust”. 165 (11-12), s. 658-61, 1996. PMID: 8985452. Cytat: The chirodropid Chironex fleckeri is known to be the most lethal jellyfish in the world, and has caused at least 63 recorded deaths in tropical Australian waters off Queensland and the Northern Territory since 1884. (ang.).
PJ. Fenner, JA. Williamson. Worldwide deaths and severe envenomation from jellyfish stings.. „Med J Aust”. 165 (11-12), s. 658-61, 1996. PMID: 8985452. Cytat: The chirodropid Chironex fleckeri is known to be the most lethal jellyfish in the world, and has caused at least 63 recorded deaths in tropical Australian waters off Queensland and the Northern Territory since 1884. (ang.).