E.C.M.E.C.M.HunterE.C.M.E.C.M., M.M.SierraM.M., A.S.A.S.DavidA.S.A.S., The epidemiology ofdepersonalisation and derealisation, „Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology”, 39 (1), 2004, s. 9–18, DOI: 10.1007/s00127-004-0701-4, ISSN1433-9285 [dostęp 2023-09-08](ang.).1 stycznia
GabrieleG.EndeGabrieleG. i inni, Impulsivity and Aggression in Female BPD and ADHD Patients: Association with ACC Glutamate and GABA Concentrations, „Neuropsychopharmacology: Official Publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology”, 41 (2), 2016, s. 410–418, DOI: 10.1038/npp.2015.153, ISSN1740-634X, PMID: 26040503, PMCID: PMC5130117 [dostęp 2017-12-17].
JudithJ.SinzigJudithJ., DagmarD.MorschDagmarD., GerdG.LehmkuhlGerdG., Do hyperactivity, impulsivity and inattention have an impact on the ability of facial affect recognition in children with autism and ADHD?, „European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry”, 17 (2), 2008, s. 63–72, DOI: 10.1007/s00787-007-0637-9, ISSN1435-165X [dostęp 2023-06-15](ang.).
LauraL.HullLauraL., K.V.K.V.PetridesK.V.K.V., WilliamW.MandyWilliamW., The Female Autism Phenotype and Camouflaging: a Narrative Review, „Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders”, 7 (4), 2020, s. 306–317, DOI: 10.1007/s40489-020-00197-9, ISSN2195-7177 [dostęp 2023-06-15].
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E.C.M.E.C.M.HunterE.C.M.E.C.M., M.M.SierraM.M., A.S.A.S.DavidA.S.A.S., The epidemiology ofdepersonalisation and derealisation, „Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology”, 39 (1), 2004, s. 9–18, DOI: 10.1007/s00127-004-0701-4, ISSN1433-9285 [dostęp 2023-09-08](ang.).1 stycznia
GabrieleG.EndeGabrieleG. i inni, Impulsivity and Aggression in Female BPD and ADHD Patients: Association with ACC Glutamate and GABA Concentrations, „Neuropsychopharmacology: Official Publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology”, 41 (2), 2016, s. 410–418, DOI: 10.1038/npp.2015.153, ISSN1740-634X, PMID: 26040503, PMCID: PMC5130117 [dostęp 2017-12-17].
JudithJ.SinzigJudithJ., DagmarD.MorschDagmarD., GerdG.LehmkuhlGerdG., Do hyperactivity, impulsivity and inattention have an impact on the ability of facial affect recognition in children with autism and ADHD?, „European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry”, 17 (2), 2008, s. 63–72, DOI: 10.1007/s00787-007-0637-9, ISSN1435-165X [dostęp 2023-06-15](ang.).
LauraL.HullLauraL., K.V.K.V.PetridesK.V.K.V., WilliamW.MandyWilliamW., The Female Autism Phenotype and Camouflaging: a Narrative Review, „Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders”, 7 (4), 2020, s. 306–317, DOI: 10.1007/s40489-020-00197-9, ISSN2195-7177 [dostęp 2023-06-15].