Owrzodzenie Buruli (Polish Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Owrzodzenie Buruli" in Polish language version.

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6th place
195th place
256th place
1st place
1st place


  • PD. Johnson, T. Stinear, PL. Small, G. Pluschke i inni. Buruli ulcer (M. ulcerans infection): new insights, new hope for disease control. „PLoS Med”. 2 (4), s. e108, Apr 2005. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pmed.0020108. PMID: 15839744. PMCID: PMC1087202. 
  • V. Sizaire, F. Nackers, E. Comte, F. Portaels. Mycobacterium ulcerans infection: control, diagnosis, and treatment. „Lancet Infect Dis”. 6 (5), s. 288-96, May 2006. DOI: 10.1016/S1473-3099(06)70464-9. PMID: 16631549. 
  • DS. Walsh, F. Portaels, WM. Meyers. Buruli ulcer (Mycobacterium ulcerans infection). „Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg”. 102 (10), s. 969–78, Oct 2008. DOI: 10.1016/j.trstmh.2008.06.006. PMID: 18657836. 
  • F. Portaels, P. Elsen, A. Guimaraes-Peres, PA. Fonteyne i inni. Insects in the transmission of Mycobacterium ulcerans infection. „Lancet”. 353 (9157), s. 986, Mar 1999. DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(98)05177-0. PMID: 10459918. 
  • KH. Herbinger, O. Adjei, NY. Awua-Boateng, WA. Nienhuis i inni. Comparative study of the sensitivity of different diagnostic methods for the laboratory diagnosis of Buruli ulcer disease. „Clin Infect Dis”. 48 (8), s. 1055–64, Apr 2009. DOI: 10.1086/597398. PMID: 19275499. 



  • P. MacCallum. A new mycobacterial infection in man; clinical aspects. „J Pathol Bacteriol”. 60 (1), s. 93–102, Jan 1948. PMID: 18935206. 
  • G. Buckle, JC. Tolhurst. A new mycobacterial infection in man; cultivation of the new Mycobacterial infection in man; cultivation of the new Mycobacterium. „J Pathol Bacteriol”. 60 (1), s. 116–22, Jan 1948. PMID: 18876544. 
  • HA. Sissons. A new mycobacterial infection in man; pathology of the experimental lesions in the rat. „J Pathol Bacteriol”. 60 (1), s. 110–6, Jan 1948. PMID: 18876543. 
  • P. MacCallum, JC. Tolhurst. A new mycobacterial infection in man. „J Pathol Bacteriol”. 60 (1), s. 93–122, Jan 1948. PMID: 18876541. 
  • JC. Tolhurst, G. Buckle. A new mycobacterial infection in man; experimental investigations in laboratory animals. „J Pathol Bacteriol”. 60 (1), s. 102–10, Jan 1948. PMID: 18876542. 
  • PD. Johnson, T. Stinear, PL. Small, G. Pluschke i inni. Buruli ulcer (M. ulcerans infection): new insights, new hope for disease control. „PLoS Med”. 2 (4), s. e108, Apr 2005. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pmed.0020108. PMID: 15839744. PMCID: PMC1087202. 
  • V. Sizaire, F. Nackers, E. Comte, F. Portaels. Mycobacterium ulcerans infection: control, diagnosis, and treatment. „Lancet Infect Dis”. 6 (5), s. 288-96, May 2006. DOI: 10.1016/S1473-3099(06)70464-9. PMID: 16631549. 
  • DS. Walsh, F. Portaels, WM. Meyers. Buruli ulcer (Mycobacterium ulcerans infection). „Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg”. 102 (10), s. 969–78, Oct 2008. DOI: 10.1016/j.trstmh.2008.06.006. PMID: 18657836. 
  • F. Portaels, P. Elsen, A. Guimaraes-Peres, PA. Fonteyne i inni. Insects in the transmission of Mycobacterium ulcerans infection. „Lancet”. 353 (9157), s. 986, Mar 1999. DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(98)05177-0. PMID: 10459918. 
  • L. Marsollier, R. Robert, J. Aubry, JP. Saint André i inni. Aquatic insects as a vector for Mycobacterium ulcerans. „Appl Environ Microbiol”. 68 (9), s. 4623–8, Sep 2002. PMID: 12200321. PMCID: PMC124085. 
  • KH. Herbinger, O. Adjei, NY. Awua-Boateng, WA. Nienhuis i inni. Comparative study of the sensitivity of different diagnostic methods for the laboratory diagnosis of Buruli ulcer disease. „Clin Infect Dis”. 48 (8), s. 1055–64, Apr 2009. DOI: 10.1086/597398. PMID: 19275499. 
  • WM. Meyers, WM. Shelly, DH. Connor. Heat treatment of Mycobacterium ulcerans infections without surgical excision. „Am J Trop Med Hyg”. 23 (5), s. 924-9, Sep 1974. PMID: 4451233. 
  • F. Nackers, M. Dramaix, RC. Johnson, C. Zinsou i inni. BCG vaccine effectiveness against Buruli ulcer: a case-control study in Benin. „Am J Trop Med Hyg”. 75 (4), s. 768–74, Oct 2006. PMID: 17038709. 



