Michael R.M.R.WatersMichael R.M.R., Thomas W.T.W.StaffordThomas W.T.W., jr., Redefining the Age of Clovis: Implications for the Peopling of the Americas, „Science”, 315, 2007, s. 1122-1126, DOI: 10.1126/science.1137166, PMID: 17322060, JSTOR: 20039062.
Michael R.M.R.WatersMichael R.M.R., Thomas W.T.W.StaffordThomas W.T.W., jr., Redefining the Age of Clovis: Implications for the Peopling of the Americas, „Science”, 315, 2007, s. 1122-1126, DOI: 10.1126/science.1137166, PMID: 17322060, JSTOR: 20039062.
Michael R.M.R.WatersMichael R.M.R., Thomas W.T.W.StaffordThomas W.T.W., jr., Redefining the Age of Clovis: Implications for the Peopling of the Americas, „Science”, 315, 2007, s. 1122-1126, DOI: 10.1126/science.1137166, PMID: 17322060, JSTOR: 20039062.