Teresa TT.T.FungTeresa TT.T. i inni, Sweetened beverage consumption and risk of coronary heart disease in women1234, „The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition”, 89 (4), 2009, s. 1037–1042, DOI: 10.3945/ajcn.2008.27140, ISSN0002-9165, PMID: 19211821, PMCID: PMC2667454 [dostęp 2019-02-24].
Hyon K.H.K.ChoiHyon K.H.K., GaryG.CurhanGaryG., Soft drinks, fructose consumption, and the risk of gout in men: prospective cohort study, „BMJ (Clinical research ed.)”, 336 (7639), 2008, s. 309–312, DOI: 10.1136/bmj.39449.819271.BE, ISSN1756-1833, PMID: 18244959, PMCID: PMC2234536 [dostęp 2019-02-24].
Craig A.C.A.GalletCraig A.C.A., The demand for alcohol: a meta-analysis of elasticities*, „Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics”, 51 (2), 2007, s. 121–135, DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-8489.2007.00365.x, ISSN1467-8489 [dostęp 2019-02-24](ang.).
Alexander C.A.C.WagenaarAlexander C.A.C., Matthew J.M.J.SaloisMatthew J.M.J., Kelli A.K.A.KomroKelli A.K.A., Effects of beverage alcohol price and tax levels on drinking: a meta-analysis of 1003 estimates from 112 studies, „Addiction (Abingdon, England)”, 104 (2), 2009, s. 179–190, DOI: 10.1111/j.1360-0443.2008.02438.x, ISSN1360-0443, PMID: 19149811 [dostęp 2019-02-24].
EdvardE.JohanssonEdvardE. i inni, Obesity and labour market success in Finland: the difference between having a high BMI and being fat, „Economics and Human Biology”, 7 (1), 2009, s. 36–45, DOI: 10.1016/j.ehb.2009.01.008, ISSN1873-6130, PMID: 19249259 [dostęp 2019-02-24].
R.R.PuhlR.R., K.D.K.D.BrownellK.D.K.D., Bias, discrimination, and obesity, „Obesity Research”, 9 (12), 2001, s. 788–805, DOI: 10.1038/oby.2001.108, ISSN1071-7323, PMID: 11743063 [dostęp 2019-02-24].
K.K.NeoviusK.K. i inni, Obesity status and sick leave: a systematic review, „Obesity Reviews: An Official Journal of the International Association for the Study of Obesity”, 10 (1), 2009, s. 17–27, DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-789X.2008.00521.x, ISSN1467-789X, PMID: 18778315 [dostęp 2019-02-24].
TrulsT.OstbyeTrulsT., John M.J.M.DementJohn M.J.M., Katrina M.K.M.KrauseKatrina M.K.M., Obesity and workers’ compensation: results from the Duke Health and Safety Surveillance System, „Archives of Internal Medicine”, 167 (8), 2007, s. 766–773, DOI: 10.1001/archinte.167.8.766, ISSN0003-9926, PMID: 17452538 [dostęp 2019-02-24].
JohnJ.CawleyJohnJ., ChadCh.MeyerhoeferChadCh., The medical care costs of obesity: an instrumental variables approach, „Journal of Health Economics”, 31 (1), 2012, s. 219–230, DOI: 10.1016/j.jhealeco.2011.10.003, ISSN1879-1646, PMID: 22094013 [dostęp 2019-02-24].
M.A.M.A.ColcheroM.A.M.A. i inni, Price elasticity of the demand for sugar sweetened beverages and soft drinks in Mexico, „Economics and Human Biology”, 19, 2015, s. 129–137, DOI: 10.1016/j.ehb.2015.08.007, ISSN1873-6130, PMID: 26386463 [dostęp 2019-02-24].
Carlos M.C.M.Guerrero-LópezCarlos M.C.M., MishelM.Unar-MunguíaMishelM., M. ArantxaM.A.ColcheroM. ArantxaM.A., Price elasticity of the demand for soft drinks, other sugar-sweetened beverages and energy dense food in Chile, „BMC public health”, 17 (1), 2017, s. 180, DOI: 10.1186/s12889-017-4098-x, ISSN1471-2458, PMID: 28183287, PMCID: PMC5301435 [dostęp 2019-02-24].
M. ArantxaM.A.ColcheroM. ArantxaM.A. i inni, In Mexico, Evidence Of Sustained Consumer Response Two Years After Implementing A Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Tax, „Health Affairs (Project Hope)”, 36 (3), 2017, s. 564–571, DOI: 10.1377/hlthaff.2016.1231, ISSN1544-5208, PMID: 28228484, PMCID: PMC5442881 [dostęp 2019-02-24].
Barry M.B.M.PopkinBarry M.B.M. i inni, Changes in prices, sales, consumer spending, and beverage consumption one year after a tax on sugar-sweetened beverages in Berkeley, California, US: A before-and-after study, „PLOS Medicine”, 14 (4), 2017, e1002283, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1002283, ISSN1549-1676, PMID: 28419108, PMCID: PMC5395172 [dostęp 2019-02-24](ang.).
Maria A CabreraM.A.C.EscobarMaria A CabreraM.A.C. i inni, Evidence that a tax on sugar sweetened beverages reduces the obesity rate: a meta-analysis, „BMC Public Health”, 13, 2013, s. 1072, DOI: 10.1186/1471-2458-13-1072, ISSN1471-2458, PMID: 24225016, PMCID: PMC3840583 [dostęp 2019-02-24].
Luc LouisL.L.HagenaarsLuc LouisL.L., Patrick Paulus TheodoorP.P.T.JeurissenPatrick Paulus TheodoorP.P.T., Niek SiedsN.S.KlazingaNiek SiedsN.S., The taxation of unhealthy energy-dense foods (EDFs) and sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs): An overview of patterns observed in the policy content and policy context of 13 case studies, „Health Policy (Amsterdam, Netherlands)”, 121 (8), 2017, s. 887–894, DOI: 10.1016/j.healthpol.2017.06.011, ISSN1872-6054, PMID: 28711301 [dostęp 2019-02-24].
Vasanti SV.S.MalikVasanti SV.S., Matthias BM.B.SchulzeMatthias BM.B., Frank BF.B.HuFrank BF.B., Intake of sugar-sweetened beverages and weight gain: a systematic review, „The American journal of clinical nutrition”, 84 (2), 2006, s. 274–288, ISSN0002-9165, PMID: 16895873, PMCID: PMC3210834 [dostęp 2019-02-24].
Vasanti S.V.S.MalikVasanti S.V.S. i inni, Sugar-Sweetened Beverages and Risk of Metabolic Syndrome and Type 2 Diabetes, „Diabetes Care”, 33 (11), 2010, s. 2477–2483, DOI: 10.2337/dc10-1079, ISSN0149-5992, PMID: 20693348, PMCID: PMC2963518 [dostęp 2019-02-24].
Teresa TT.T.FungTeresa TT.T. i inni, Sweetened beverage consumption and risk of coronary heart disease in women1234, „The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition”, 89 (4), 2009, s. 1037–1042, DOI: 10.3945/ajcn.2008.27140, ISSN0002-9165, PMID: 19211821, PMCID: PMC2667454 [dostęp 2019-02-24].
Hyon K.H.K.ChoiHyon K.H.K., GaryG.CurhanGaryG., Soft drinks, fructose consumption, and the risk of gout in men: prospective cohort study, „BMJ (Clinical research ed.)”, 336 (7639), 2008, s. 309–312, DOI: 10.1136/bmj.39449.819271.BE, ISSN1756-1833, PMID: 18244959, PMCID: PMC2234536 [dostęp 2019-02-24].
Alexander C.A.C.WagenaarAlexander C.A.C., Matthew J.M.J.SaloisMatthew J.M.J., Kelli A.K.A.KomroKelli A.K.A., Effects of beverage alcohol price and tax levels on drinking: a meta-analysis of 1003 estimates from 112 studies, „Addiction (Abingdon, England)”, 104 (2), 2009, s. 179–190, DOI: 10.1111/j.1360-0443.2008.02438.x, ISSN1360-0443, PMID: 19149811 [dostęp 2019-02-24].
EdvardE.JohanssonEdvardE. i inni, Obesity and labour market success in Finland: the difference between having a high BMI and being fat, „Economics and Human Biology”, 7 (1), 2009, s. 36–45, DOI: 10.1016/j.ehb.2009.01.008, ISSN1873-6130, PMID: 19249259 [dostęp 2019-02-24].
R.R.PuhlR.R., K.D.K.D.BrownellK.D.K.D., Bias, discrimination, and obesity, „Obesity Research”, 9 (12), 2001, s. 788–805, DOI: 10.1038/oby.2001.108, ISSN1071-7323, PMID: 11743063 [dostęp 2019-02-24].
K.K.NeoviusK.K. i inni, Obesity status and sick leave: a systematic review, „Obesity Reviews: An Official Journal of the International Association for the Study of Obesity”, 10 (1), 2009, s. 17–27, DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-789X.2008.00521.x, ISSN1467-789X, PMID: 18778315 [dostęp 2019-02-24].
TrulsT.OstbyeTrulsT., John M.J.M.DementJohn M.J.M., Katrina M.K.M.KrauseKatrina M.K.M., Obesity and workers’ compensation: results from the Duke Health and Safety Surveillance System, „Archives of Internal Medicine”, 167 (8), 2007, s. 766–773, DOI: 10.1001/archinte.167.8.766, ISSN0003-9926, PMID: 17452538 [dostęp 2019-02-24].
JohnJ.CawleyJohnJ., ChadCh.MeyerhoeferChadCh., The medical care costs of obesity: an instrumental variables approach, „Journal of Health Economics”, 31 (1), 2012, s. 219–230, DOI: 10.1016/j.jhealeco.2011.10.003, ISSN1879-1646, PMID: 22094013 [dostęp 2019-02-24].
M.A.M.A.ColcheroM.A.M.A. i inni, Price elasticity of the demand for sugar sweetened beverages and soft drinks in Mexico, „Economics and Human Biology”, 19, 2015, s. 129–137, DOI: 10.1016/j.ehb.2015.08.007, ISSN1873-6130, PMID: 26386463 [dostęp 2019-02-24].
Carlos M.C.M.Guerrero-LópezCarlos M.C.M., MishelM.Unar-MunguíaMishelM., M. ArantxaM.A.ColcheroM. ArantxaM.A., Price elasticity of the demand for soft drinks, other sugar-sweetened beverages and energy dense food in Chile, „BMC public health”, 17 (1), 2017, s. 180, DOI: 10.1186/s12889-017-4098-x, ISSN1471-2458, PMID: 28183287, PMCID: PMC5301435 [dostęp 2019-02-24].
M. ArantxaM.A.ColcheroM. ArantxaM.A. i inni, In Mexico, Evidence Of Sustained Consumer Response Two Years After Implementing A Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Tax, „Health Affairs (Project Hope)”, 36 (3), 2017, s. 564–571, DOI: 10.1377/hlthaff.2016.1231, ISSN1544-5208, PMID: 28228484, PMCID: PMC5442881 [dostęp 2019-02-24].
Barry M.B.M.PopkinBarry M.B.M. i inni, Changes in prices, sales, consumer spending, and beverage consumption one year after a tax on sugar-sweetened beverages in Berkeley, California, US: A before-and-after study, „PLOS Medicine”, 14 (4), 2017, e1002283, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1002283, ISSN1549-1676, PMID: 28419108, PMCID: PMC5395172 [dostęp 2019-02-24](ang.).
Maria A CabreraM.A.C.EscobarMaria A CabreraM.A.C. i inni, Evidence that a tax on sugar sweetened beverages reduces the obesity rate: a meta-analysis, „BMC Public Health”, 13, 2013, s. 1072, DOI: 10.1186/1471-2458-13-1072, ISSN1471-2458, PMID: 24225016, PMCID: PMC3840583 [dostęp 2019-02-24].
Luc LouisL.L.HagenaarsLuc LouisL.L., Patrick Paulus TheodoorP.P.T.JeurissenPatrick Paulus TheodoorP.P.T., Niek SiedsN.S.KlazingaNiek SiedsN.S., The taxation of unhealthy energy-dense foods (EDFs) and sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs): An overview of patterns observed in the policy content and policy context of 13 case studies, „Health Policy (Amsterdam, Netherlands)”, 121 (8), 2017, s. 887–894, DOI: 10.1016/j.healthpol.2017.06.011, ISSN1872-6054, PMID: 28711301 [dostęp 2019-02-24].
BenjaminB.CaballeroBenjaminB., LindsayL.AllenLindsayL., AndrewA.PrenticeAndrewA., Encyclopedia of human nutrition, Third edition, San Diego, CA, s. 231–233, ISBN 978-0-12-384885-7, OCLC828743402 [dostęp 2019-02-24].
Vasanti SV.S.MalikVasanti SV.S., Matthias BM.B.SchulzeMatthias BM.B., Frank BF.B.HuFrank BF.B., Intake of sugar-sweetened beverages and weight gain: a systematic review, „The American journal of clinical nutrition”, 84 (2), 2006, s. 274–288, ISSN0002-9165, PMID: 16895873, PMCID: PMC3210834 [dostęp 2019-02-24].
Vasanti S.V.S.MalikVasanti S.V.S. i inni, Sugar-Sweetened Beverages and Risk of Metabolic Syndrome and Type 2 Diabetes, „Diabetes Care”, 33 (11), 2010, s. 2477–2483, DOI: 10.2337/dc10-1079, ISSN0149-5992, PMID: 20693348, PMCID: PMC2963518 [dostęp 2019-02-24].
Teresa TT.T.FungTeresa TT.T. i inni, Sweetened beverage consumption and risk of coronary heart disease in women1234, „The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition”, 89 (4), 2009, s. 1037–1042, DOI: 10.3945/ajcn.2008.27140, ISSN0002-9165, PMID: 19211821, PMCID: PMC2667454 [dostęp 2019-02-24].
Hyon K.H.K.ChoiHyon K.H.K., GaryG.CurhanGaryG., Soft drinks, fructose consumption, and the risk of gout in men: prospective cohort study, „BMJ (Clinical research ed.)”, 336 (7639), 2008, s. 309–312, DOI: 10.1136/bmj.39449.819271.BE, ISSN1756-1833, PMID: 18244959, PMCID: PMC2234536 [dostęp 2019-02-24].
Craig A.C.A.GalletCraig A.C.A., The demand for alcohol: a meta-analysis of elasticities*, „Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics”, 51 (2), 2007, s. 121–135, DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-8489.2007.00365.x, ISSN1467-8489 [dostęp 2019-02-24](ang.).
Alexander C.A.C.WagenaarAlexander C.A.C., Matthew J.M.J.SaloisMatthew J.M.J., Kelli A.K.A.KomroKelli A.K.A., Effects of beverage alcohol price and tax levels on drinking: a meta-analysis of 1003 estimates from 112 studies, „Addiction (Abingdon, England)”, 104 (2), 2009, s. 179–190, DOI: 10.1111/j.1360-0443.2008.02438.x, ISSN1360-0443, PMID: 19149811 [dostęp 2019-02-24].
EdvardE.JohanssonEdvardE. i inni, Obesity and labour market success in Finland: the difference between having a high BMI and being fat, „Economics and Human Biology”, 7 (1), 2009, s. 36–45, DOI: 10.1016/j.ehb.2009.01.008, ISSN1873-6130, PMID: 19249259 [dostęp 2019-02-24].
R.R.PuhlR.R., K.D.K.D.BrownellK.D.K.D., Bias, discrimination, and obesity, „Obesity Research”, 9 (12), 2001, s. 788–805, DOI: 10.1038/oby.2001.108, ISSN1071-7323, PMID: 11743063 [dostęp 2019-02-24].
K.K.NeoviusK.K. i inni, Obesity status and sick leave: a systematic review, „Obesity Reviews: An Official Journal of the International Association for the Study of Obesity”, 10 (1), 2009, s. 17–27, DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-789X.2008.00521.x, ISSN1467-789X, PMID: 18778315 [dostęp 2019-02-24].
TrulsT.OstbyeTrulsT., John M.J.M.DementJohn M.J.M., Katrina M.K.M.KrauseKatrina M.K.M., Obesity and workers’ compensation: results from the Duke Health and Safety Surveillance System, „Archives of Internal Medicine”, 167 (8), 2007, s. 766–773, DOI: 10.1001/archinte.167.8.766, ISSN0003-9926, PMID: 17452538 [dostęp 2019-02-24].
JohnJ.CawleyJohnJ., ChadCh.MeyerhoeferChadCh., The medical care costs of obesity: an instrumental variables approach, „Journal of Health Economics”, 31 (1), 2012, s. 219–230, DOI: 10.1016/j.jhealeco.2011.10.003, ISSN1879-1646, PMID: 22094013 [dostęp 2019-02-24].
M.A.M.A.ColcheroM.A.M.A. i inni, Price elasticity of the demand for sugar sweetened beverages and soft drinks in Mexico, „Economics and Human Biology”, 19, 2015, s. 129–137, DOI: 10.1016/j.ehb.2015.08.007, ISSN1873-6130, PMID: 26386463 [dostęp 2019-02-24].
Carlos M.C.M.Guerrero-LópezCarlos M.C.M., MishelM.Unar-MunguíaMishelM., M. ArantxaM.A.ColcheroM. ArantxaM.A., Price elasticity of the demand for soft drinks, other sugar-sweetened beverages and energy dense food in Chile, „BMC public health”, 17 (1), 2017, s. 180, DOI: 10.1186/s12889-017-4098-x, ISSN1471-2458, PMID: 28183287, PMCID: PMC5301435 [dostęp 2019-02-24].
M. ArantxaM.A.ColcheroM. ArantxaM.A. i inni, In Mexico, Evidence Of Sustained Consumer Response Two Years After Implementing A Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Tax, „Health Affairs (Project Hope)”, 36 (3), 2017, s. 564–571, DOI: 10.1377/hlthaff.2016.1231, ISSN1544-5208, PMID: 28228484, PMCID: PMC5442881 [dostęp 2019-02-24].
Barry M.B.M.PopkinBarry M.B.M. i inni, Changes in prices, sales, consumer spending, and beverage consumption one year after a tax on sugar-sweetened beverages in Berkeley, California, US: A before-and-after study, „PLOS Medicine”, 14 (4), 2017, e1002283, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1002283, ISSN1549-1676, PMID: 28419108, PMCID: PMC5395172 [dostęp 2019-02-24](ang.).
Maria A CabreraM.A.C.EscobarMaria A CabreraM.A.C. i inni, Evidence that a tax on sugar sweetened beverages reduces the obesity rate: a meta-analysis, „BMC Public Health”, 13, 2013, s. 1072, DOI: 10.1186/1471-2458-13-1072, ISSN1471-2458, PMID: 24225016, PMCID: PMC3840583 [dostęp 2019-02-24].
Luc LouisL.L.HagenaarsLuc LouisL.L., Patrick Paulus TheodoorP.P.T.JeurissenPatrick Paulus TheodoorP.P.T., Niek SiedsN.S.KlazingaNiek SiedsN.S., The taxation of unhealthy energy-dense foods (EDFs) and sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs): An overview of patterns observed in the policy content and policy context of 13 case studies, „Health Policy (Amsterdam, Netherlands)”, 121 (8), 2017, s. 887–894, DOI: 10.1016/j.healthpol.2017.06.011, ISSN1872-6054, PMID: 28711301 [dostęp 2019-02-24].