Mordechai (Muki)M.(M.)HaklayMordechai (Muki)M.(M.) i inni, How Many Volunteers Does it Take to Map an Area Well? The Validity of Linus’ Law to Volunteered Geographic Information, „The Cartographic Journal”, 47 (4), 2010, s. 315–322, DOI: 10.1179/000870410X12911304958827, ISSN0008-7041 [dostęp 2022-08-02].
Mordechai (Muki)M.(M.)HaklayMordechai (Muki)M.(M.) i inni, How Many Volunteers Does it Take to Map an Area Well? The Validity of Linus’ Law to Volunteered Geographic Information, „The Cartographic Journal”, 47 (4), 2010, s. 315–322, DOI: 10.1179/000870410X12911304958827, ISSN0008-7041 [dostęp 2022-08-02].