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HannahH.BurgerHannahH. i inni, Neural and behavioural responses of the pollen-specialist bee Andrena vaga to Salix odours, „Journal of Experimental Biology”, 224 (13), 2021, jeb242166, DOI: 10.1242/jeb.242166, ISSN0022-0949 [dostęp 2022-03-14].
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HannahH.BurgerHannahH. i inni, Neural and behavioural responses of the pollen-specialist bee Andrena vaga to Salix odours, „Journal of Experimental Biology”, 224 (13), 2021, jeb242166, DOI: 10.1242/jeb.242166, ISSN0022-0949 [dostęp 2022-03-03].
MartinM.FellendorfMartinM., ClaudiaC.MohraClaudiaC., Robert J.R.J.PaxtonRobert J.R.J., Devasting effects of river flooding to the ground-nesting bee, Andrena vaga (Hymenoptera: Andrenidae), and its associated fauna, „Journal of Insect Conservation”, 8 (4), 2004, s. 311–312, DOI: 10.1007/s10841-004-0514-5, ISSN1572-9753 [dostęp 2022-03-03](ang.).
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StefanS.DötterlStefanS. i inni, 1,4-Dimethoxybenzene, a Floral Scent Compound in Willows that Attracts an Oligolectic Bee, „Journal of Chemical Ecology”, 31 (12), 2005, s. 2993–2998, DOI: 10.1007/s10886-005-9152-y, ISSN1573-1561 [dostęp 2022-03-14](ang.).
HannahH.BurgerHannahH. i inni, Neural and behavioural responses of the pollen-specialist bee Andrena vaga to Salix odours, „Journal of Experimental Biology”, 224 (13), 2021, jeb242166, DOI: 10.1242/jeb.242166, ISSN0022-0949 [dostęp 2022-03-14].
KaterinaK.RezkovaKaterinaK. i inni, Analysis of Nesting Behavior Based on Daily Observation of Andrena vaga (Hymenoptera: Andrenidae), „Journal of Insect Behavior”, 25 (1), 2012, s. 24–47, DOI: 10.1007/s10905-011-9274-8, ISSN1572-8889 [dostęp 2022-03-03](ang.).1 stycznia