Reakcja Ugiego (Polish Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Reakcja Ugiego" in Polish language version.

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  • I. Ugi i inni, Versuche mit Isonitrilen, „Angew. Chem.”, 71 (11), 1959, s. 386, DOI10.1002/ange.19590711110 (ang.).
  • I Ugi, C. Steinbrückner, Über ein neues Kondensations-Prinzip, „Angew. Chem.”, 72 (7–8), 1960, s. 267–268, DOI10.1002/ange.19600720709 (ang.).
  • I. Ugi, The α-Addition of Immonium Ions and Anions to Isonitriles Accompanied by Secondary Reactions, „Angewandte Chemie International Edition in English”, 1 (1), 1962, s. 8–21, DOI10.1002/anie.196200081 (ang.).
  • M.C. Pirrung, K.D. Sarma, Multicomponent Reactions Are Accelerated in Water, „Journal of the American Chemical Society”, 126 (2), 2004, s. 444–445, DOI10.1021/ja038583a, PMID14719923 (ang.).
  • I. Ugi, B. Werner, A. Dömling, The Chemistry of Isocyanides, their MultiComponent Reactions and their Libraries, „Molecules”, 8, 2003, s. 53–66, DOI10.3390/80100053 (ang.).
  • Tempest P.A., Recent advances in heterocycle generation using the efficient Ugi multiple-component condensation reaction, „Current Opinion in Drug Discovery & Development”, 8 (6), 2005, s. 776–788, DOI10.1002/chin.200615243język, =, en, PMID16312152.
  • I. Ugi, S. Heck, The multicomponent reactions and their libraries for natural and preparative chemistry, „Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening”, 4 (1), 2001, s. 1–34, DOI10.2174/1386207013331291, PMID11281825 (ang.).
  • Hugues Bienaymé i inni, Maximizing Synthetic Efficiency: Multi-Component Transformations Lead the Way, „Chemistry – A European Journal”, 6 (18), 2000, s. 3321–3329, DOI10.1002/1521-3765(20000915)6:183.0.CO;2-A (ang.).
  • Dömling A., Ugi I., Multicomponent Reactions with Isocyanides, „Angewandte Chemie International Edition in English”, 39 (18), 2000, s. 3168–3210, DOI10.1002/1521-3773(20000915)39:18<3168::AID-ANIE3168>3.0.CO;2-U (ang.).
  • Scott E. Denmark, Yu Fan, Catalytic, Enantioselective α-Additions of Isocyanides: Lewis Base Catalyzed Passerini-Type Reactions, „Journal of Organic Chemistry”, 70 (24), 2005, s. 9667–9676, DOI10.1021/jo050549m, PMID16292793 (ang.).
  • Alexei Ilyin i inni, Complexity-Enhancing Acid-Promoted Rearrangement of Tricyclic Products of Tandem Ugi 4CC/Intramolecular Diels-Alder Reaction, „Journal of Organic Chemistry”, 71 (25), 2006, s. 9544–9547, DOI10.1021/jo061825f (ang.).
  • Laurent El Kaim i inni, Direct Access to Heterocyclic Scaffolds by New Multicomponent Ugi-Smiles Couplings, „Organic Letters”, 8 (18), 2006, s. 4019–4021, DOI10.1021/ol061605o (ang.).
  • Florence Bonnaterre, Michèle Bois-Choussy, Jieping Zhu, Rapid Access to Oxindoles by the Combined Use of an Ugi Four-Component Reaction and a Microwave-Assisted Intramolecular Buchwald-Hartwig Amidation Reaction, „Organic Letters”, 8 (19), 2006, s. 4351–4354, DOI10.1021/ol061755z (ang.).
  • Zhibo Ma i inni, Synthesis of Functionalized Quinolines via Ugi and Pd-Catalyzed Intramolecular Arylation Reactions, „J. Comb. Chem”, 8 (5), 2006, s. 696–704, DOI10.1021/cc060066b (ang.).
  • S. Gedey, J. Van der Eycken, F. Fülöp, Liquid-Phase Combinatorial Synthesis of Alicyclic β-Lactams via Ugi Four-Component Reaction, „Organic Letters”, 4 (11), 2002, s. 1967–1969, DOI10.1021/ol025986r (ang.).
  • J. Zhang i inni, Unique Structures Generated by Ugi 3CC Reactions Using Bifunctional Starting Materials Containing Aldehyde and Carboxylic Acid, „Journal of Organic Chemistry”, 64 (3), 1999, s. 1074–1076, DOI10.1021/jo982192a, PMID11674195 (ang.).
  • Short K. M., Mjalli A.M. M., A solid-phase combinatorial method for the synthesis of novel 5- and 6-membered ring lactams, „Tetrahedron Letters”, 38 (18), 1997, s. 359–362, DOI10.1021/ol048791n, PMID15330611 (ang.).
  • Z. Xiang i inni, Novel Pd-II-mediated cascade carboxylative annulation to construct benzo[b]furan-3-carboxylic acids, „Organic Letters”, 6 (18), 2004, s. 3155–3158, DOI10.1021/ol048791n, PMID15330611 (ang.).
  • K. Rossen i inni, An efficient asymmetric hydrogenation approach to the synthesis of the Crixivan piperazine intermediate, „Tetrahedron Letters”, 39 (38), 1998, s. 6823–6826, DOI10.1016/S0040-4039(98)01484-1 (ang.).

  • L. Banfi, R. Riva, The Passerini Reaction, [w:] Larry E. Overman (red.), Organic reactions, New York: Wiley, 2005, ISBN 0-471-68260-8, OCLC 57355048.