Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Samoobrona Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej" in Polish language version.
Pozycja Samoobrony miała stanowić szeroką formułę lewicowości, obejmującą lewicę katolicką, zjednoczone dążeniem do osiągnięcia fundamentalnych celów..
The same applied to Andrzej Lepper, a farmer turned political revolutionary, and later deputy prime minister in Jaroslaw Kaczynski’s government (see Chapter 5). Lepper founded Self-Defence (‘Samoobrona’, SO), a trade union and political party, in January 1992. His programme was a mixture of socialist and etatist economic policies with populist slogans. Even though Lepper most often praised the communist period as the golden era of Polish farming, and criticised the free market his rhetoric was full of references to Church, Catholicism and national identity: 'One cannot imagine Polish national culture without (...) Catholicism. It is the Church that allowed us, Poles, to defend our national identity’ (U11993). Lepper often quoted John Paul IPs remark that capitalism cannot be the only alternative to communism, and declared that wanting to 'be a Christian in Samoobronas activities means (...) to refer to the social ramifications of the Gospel and papal teachings’ (U11993).Listed as „Christian socialist”. (ang.).
The antiglobalization forces exemplified by Andrzej Lepper’s Samoobrona (Self-defense) party have also made a strong showing in recent elections. Lang, Kai-Olaf (2005). „Populism in Central and Eastern Europe – A Threat to Democracy or just Political Folklore?”. Populism East and West. Slovak Foreign Policy Affairs. 6 (1). Research Center of the Slovak Foreign Policy Association: 11. Taking into account Lepper’s anti-market, anti-globalization rhetoric and his positive assessment of the Gierek-era, i.e. the 1970s in Poland, Samoobrona could also be categorized as leftist populism.(ang.).
Die Samoobrona verfügt nach den letzten Parlamentswahlen über 53 Sejmabgeordnete und zwei Senatoren. 13 Ihr Führer, der 47-jährige Landwirt Andrzej Lepper, lehnt die Globalisierung ab, kritisiert die freie Marktwirtschaft und schlägt protektionistische, sozialistische und nationalistische Töne an. Zu verzeichnen sind auch manche prorussische Tendenzen sowie eine spürbare Nostalgie für die Volksrepublik Polen. Lepper ist ein Gegner der NATO- und EU-Mitgliedschaft Polens.(niem.).