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John P.J.P.BoninJohn P.J.P., Derek C.D.C.JonesDerek C.D.C., LouisL.PuttermanLouisL., Theoretical and Empirical Studies of Producer Cooperatives: Will Ever the Twain Meet?, „Journal of Economic Literature”, 31 (3), 1993, s. 1290–1320, ISSN0022-0515, JSTOR: 2728242 [dostęp 2021-03-17].
Amartya K.A.K.SenAmartya K.A.K., Labour Allocation in a Cooperative Enterprise, „The Review of Economic Studies”, 33 (4), 1966, s. 361–371, DOI: 10.2307/2974432, ISSN0034-6527, JSTOR: 2974432 [dostęp 2021-03-17].
J.E.J.E.MeadeJ.E.J.E., The Theory of Labour-Managed Firms and of Profit Sharing, „The Economic Journal”, 82 (325), 1972, s. 402–428, DOI: 10.2307/2229945, ISSN0013-0133, JSTOR: 2229945 [dostęp 2021-03-17].
ChrisCh.DoucouliagosChrisCh., Worker Participation and Productivity in Labor-Managed and Participatory Capitalist Firms: A Meta-Analysis, „Industrial and Labor Relations Review”, 49 (1), 1995, s. 58–77, DOI: 10.2307/2524912, ISSN0019-7939, JSTOR: 2524912 [dostęp 2021-03-17].
SaioaS.ArandoSaioaS. i inni, Efficiency in Employee-Owned Enterprises: An Econometric Case Study of Mondragon, „ILR Review”, 68 (2), 2015, s. 398–425, DOI: 10.1177/0019793914564966, ISSN0019-7939 [dostęp 2021-03-17](ang.).
IñakiI.Heras-SaizarbitoriaIñakiI., The ties that bind? Exploring the basic principles of worker-owned organizations in practice, „Organization”, 21 (5), 2014, s. 645–665, DOI: 10.1177/1350508414537623, ISSN1350-5084 [dostęp 2021-03-17](ang.).
UdoU.StaberUdoU., Worker Cooperatives and the Business Cycle: Are Cooperatives the Answer to Unemployment?, „The American Journal of Economics and Sociology”, 52 (2), 1993, s. 129–143, ISSN0002-9246, JSTOR: 3487046 [dostęp 2021-03-17].
NormanN.FrohlichNormanN. i inni, Employee versus Conventionally-Owned and Controlled Firms: An Experimental Analysis, „Managerial and Decision Economics”, 19 (4/5), 1998, s. 311–326, ISSN0143-6570, JSTOR: 3108241 [dostęp 2021-03-17].
FranckF.BaillyFranckF., KarineK.ChapelleKarineK., LionelL.ProuteauLionelL., Wage differentials between conventional firms and non-worker cooperatives: Analysis of evidence from France, „Competition & Change”, 21 (4), 2017, s. 321–341, DOI: 10.1177/1024529417713769, ISSN1024-5294 [dostęp 2021-03-17](ang.).