Stopochodność (Polish Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Stopochodność" in Polish language version.

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low place
2nd place
6th place
5th place
2nd place

  • Anthony M. Pagano i inni, Energetic costs of locomotion in bears: is plantigrade locomotion energetically economical?, „Journal of Experimental Biology”, 221 (12), 2018, jeb175372, DOI10.1242/jeb.175372, ISSN 0022-0949 [dostęp 2021-12-28], Cytat: Both species exhibit economical costs of walking, facilitated by their plantigrade posture. However, like humans, this comes at the expense of a less economical cost while moving at higher speeds. (ang.).

  • Anthony M. Pagano i inni, Energetic costs of locomotion in bears: is plantigrade locomotion energetically economical?, „Journal of Experimental Biology”, 221 (12), 2018, jeb175372, DOI10.1242/jeb.175372, ISSN 0022-0949 [dostęp 2021-12-28], Cytat: Both species exhibit economical costs of walking, facilitated by their plantigrade posture. However, like humans, this comes at the expense of a less economical cost while moving at higher speeds. (ang.).