The quantitative ADAM questionnaire: a new tool in quantifying the severity of hypogonadism, „International Journal of Impotence Research”, 22 (1), 2010, s. 20–24, DOI: 10.1038/ijir.2009.35, ISSN0955-9930, PMID: 19657348, PMCID: PMC2834355 [dostęp 2018-05-28].
The quantitative ADAM questionnaire: a new tool in quantifying the severity of hypogonadism, „International Journal of Impotence Research”, 22 (1), 2010, s. 20–24, DOI: 10.1038/ijir.2009.35, ISSN0955-9930, PMID: 19657348, PMCID: PMC2834355 [dostęp 2018-05-28].
The quantitative ADAM questionnaire: a new tool in quantifying the severity of hypogonadism, „International Journal of Impotence Research”, 22 (1), 2010, s. 20–24, DOI: 10.1038/ijir.2009.35, ISSN0955-9930, PMID: 19657348, PMCID: PMC2834355 [dostęp 2018-05-28].