AlexeyA.EremenkoAlexeyA., the GazettE Biography [online], AllMusic, Cytat: Genre: Pop/Rock Styles: Japanese Rock Labelmates of such J-rock luminaries as Kaggra, Miyavi, and Alice Nine, the Gazette (or the GazettE) are a 2000s visual kei band, specializing in alternative metal with a slight cinematic edge and a tendency for moderate stylistic experiments, such as dabbling in jazz-rock (...).(ang.).
AlexeyA.EremenkoAlexeyA., Biografia na Allmusic [online], [dostęp 2015-08-04](ang.).
DaisukeD.KikuchiDaisukeD., Fans of the GazettE spread news abroad [online],, 18 października 2012 [dostęp 2016-05-17], Cytat: (...) With fan clubs springing up around the world and the absence of the unrelenting Japanese-style PR apparatus out there, the main driver of the GazettE’s popularity is simply the music. The band’s hard-rock style embraces influences from multiple genres, but mostly comes from heavy metal, industrial metal and punk. Its back catalog is comprised of songs as heavy as many Western staples from the 1990s such as Korn and Nine Inch Nails, but Ruki’s vocals set his band apart from those acts by jumping from death-metal snarls to melancholic balladry. the GazettE frequently add extra twists to its sound, and “Division” continues that tradition by experimenting with electronic music (...).(ang.).