Mike Snider: Aerosmith plugs into ‘Guitar Hero’ popularity. 2008-02-12. [dostęp 2008-02-19]. Cytat: Downloads of relative newcomer DragonForce’s Through the Fire and Flames, selling fewer than 2,000 weekly, rose to more than 10,000 after GH III’s release and approached 40,000 the week ending Dec. 30
Most Played Songs – Audiosurf: Ride Your Music. [dostęp 2008-02-29]. [zarchiwizowane z tego adresu (2008-02-29)]. Cytat: Most Played Songs 1 12 – still alive: jonathan coulton and glados 2 audiosurf overture: pedro macedo camacho 3 through the fire and flames: dragonforce
Mike Bracken: Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock – Review. Gamecritics.com, 2008-01-22. [dostęp 2008-02-21]. Cytat: Players with a genuine masochistic streak will have a great time trying to five star DragonForce’s „Through the Fire and the Flames” on expert–and you thought „Free Bird” [the final encore in Guitar Hero II] was hard.
Dominic Wells: Games that rock. The Times, 2007-12-08. [dostęp 2008-02-25].
Most Played Songs – Audiosurf: Ride Your Music. [dostęp 2008-02-29]. [zarchiwizowane z tego adresu (2008-02-29)]. Cytat: Most Played Songs 1 12 – still alive: jonathan coulton and glados 2 audiosurf overture: pedro macedo camacho 3 through the fire and flames: dragonforce