AmandaA.AmosAmandaA., MargarethaM.HaglundMargarethaM., From social taboo to "torch of freedom": the marketing of cigarettes to women, „Tobacco Control”, 9 (1), 2000, s. 3–8, DOI: 10.1136/tc.9.1.3, ISSN0964-4563, PMID: 10691743, PMCID: PMC1748294 [dostęp 2022-10-02].
AmandaA.AmosAmandaA., MargarethaM.HaglundMargarethaM., From social taboo to "torch of freedom": the marketing of cigarettes to women, „Tobacco Control”, 9 (1), 2000, s. 3–8, DOI: 10.1136/tc.9.1.3, ISSN0964-4563, PMID: 10691743, PMCID: PMC1748294 [dostęp 2022-10-02].
AmandaA.AmosAmandaA., MargarethaM.HaglundMargarethaM., From social taboo to "torch of freedom": the marketing of cigarettes to women, „Tobacco Control”, 9 (1), 2000, s. 3–8, DOI: 10.1136/tc.9.1.3, ISSN0964-4563, PMID: 10691743, PMCID: PMC1748294 [dostęp 2022-10-02].