Transpłciowość (Polish Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Transpłciowość" in Polish language version.

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1,053rd place
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6,660th place
146th place
7,114th place
156th place
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426th place
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5,207th place
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1,416th place
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  • Brent Bilodeau, Beyond the Gender Binary: A Case Study of Two Transgender Students at a Midwestern Research University, „Journal of Gay & Lesbian Issues in Education”, 3 (1), 2005, s. 29–44, DOI10.1300/J367v03n01_05, ISSN 1541-0889, Cytat: „Yet Jordan and Nick represent a segment of transgender communities that have largely been overlooked in transgender and student development research – individuals who express a non-binary construction of gender” (ang.).
  • Sari L. Reisner i inni, Comparing In-Person and Online Survey Respondents in the U.S. National Transgender Discrimination Survey: Implications for Transgender Health Research, „LGBT health”, 1 (2), 2014, s. 98–106, DOI10.1089/lgbt.2013.0018, ISSN 2325-8306, PMID26789619 [dostęp 2019-06-12].
  • Christina Richards i inni, Non-binary or genderqueer genders, „International Review of Psychiatry”, 28 (1), 2016, s. 95–102, DOI10.3109/09540261.2015.1106446, ISSN 0954-0261 [dostęp 2019-06-12], Cytat: „In the current Western context, however, some people may identify as predominantly male, but with aspects of the ‘other’ gender and use the identity term ‘male’ generally; or may identify as predominantly female, but with aspects of the ‘other’ gender and use the identity term ‘female’ generally – but both groups of people may define additionally as ‘genderqueer’ when necessary – for example in accepting environments or when neither a male nor female identity suits. Those people who incorporate aspects of both male and female, but who have a fixed identity, may identify as ‘androgynous’, ‘mixed gender’ or sometimes ‘pangender’ as the latter is a flexible term. In contrast, people who move between genders in a fluid way may identify as ‘bigender’, ‘gender fluid’ or sometimes ‘pangender’ again. Some people move between more than two genders and so identify as ‘trigender’, and sometimes ‘pangender’ as it is a flexible term. Some people identify as a specific additional gender (either between female and male or otherwise additional to those genders) and identify as ‘third gender’, ‘other gender’, and sometimes again as ‘pangender’. Then there are those people who disrupt the gender dichotomy though challenging its very ontology and/or veracity and so identify as ‘genderqueer’ or ‘genderfuck’. And there are also people who have no gender and so identify as ‘agender’, ‘gender neutral’, ‘non-gendered’, ‘genderless’, ‘neuter’, or ‘neutrois’.” (ang.).
  • Emilia L. Lombardi i inni, Gender Violence, „Journal of Homosexuality”, 42 (1), 2002, s. 89–101, DOI10.1300/J082v42n01_05, ISSN 0091-8369 [dostęp 2019-06-13].
  • Judith Bradford i inni, Experiences of Transgender-Related Discrimination and Implications for Health: Results From the Virginia Transgender Health Initiative Study, „American Journal of Public Health”, 103 (10), 2012, s. 1820–1829, DOI10.2105/AJPH.2012.300796, ISSN 0090-0036, PMID23153142, PMCIDPMC3780721 [dostęp 2019-06-13].
  • Paweł Borto, „Pismo mówi, że On ma powstać z martwych” (J 20,9). Znaczenie odwołania się do Pisma w najwcześniejszych formach wyznania wiary w Zmartwychwstanie. Analiza teologicznofundamentalna, „Roczniki Teologiczne”, 66 (9), 2019, s. 19–34, DOI10.18290/rt.2019.66.9-2, ISSN 2543-5973 [dostęp 2022-10-29].

  • GLAAD Media Reference Guide – Transgender, Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation GLAAD, 9 września 2011 [dostęp 2019-06-12], Cytat: „Transgender – An umbrella term for people whose gender identity and/or gender expression differs from what is typically associated with the sex they were assigned at birth. People under the transgender umbrella may describe themselves using one or more of a wide variety of terms – including transgender. Some of those terms are defined below.[...] Non-binary and/or genderqueer – Terms used by some people who experience their gender identity and/or gender expression as falling outside the categories of man and woman. They may define their gender as falling somewhere in between man and woman, or they may define it as wholly different from these terms.” (ang.).
  • Groundbreaking Report Reflects Persistent Discrimination Against Transgender Community [online], GLAAD, 14 września 2011 [dostęp 2019-06-13] (ang.).
  • IN THE LIFE Follows LGBT Seniors as They Face Inequality in Healthcare [online], GLAAD, 14 września 2011 [dostęp 2019-06-13] (ang.).

  • Sari L. Reisner i inni, Comparing In-Person and Online Survey Respondents in the U.S. National Transgender Discrimination Survey: Implications for Transgender Health Research, „LGBT health”, 1 (2), 2014, s. 98–106, DOI10.1089/lgbt.2013.0018, ISSN 2325-8306, PMID26789619 [dostęp 2019-06-12].
  • Judith Bradford i inni, Experiences of Transgender-Related Discrimination and Implications for Health: Results From the Virginia Transgender Health Initiative Study, „American Journal of Public Health”, 103 (10), 2012, s. 1820–1829, DOI10.2105/AJPH.2012.300796, ISSN 0090-0036, PMID23153142, PMCIDPMC3780721 [dostęp 2019-06-13].

  • „...Transgender, adj. Of, relating to, or designating a person whose identity does not conform unambiguously to conventional notions of male or female gender, but combines or moves between these...” Definition of transgender from the Oxford English Dictionary, draft version March 2004.

  • Christina Richards i inni, Non-binary or genderqueer genders, „International Review of Psychiatry”, 28 (1), 2016, s. 95–102, DOI10.3109/09540261.2015.1106446, ISSN 0954-0261 [dostęp 2019-06-12], Cytat: „In the current Western context, however, some people may identify as predominantly male, but with aspects of the ‘other’ gender and use the identity term ‘male’ generally; or may identify as predominantly female, but with aspects of the ‘other’ gender and use the identity term ‘female’ generally – but both groups of people may define additionally as ‘genderqueer’ when necessary – for example in accepting environments or when neither a male nor female identity suits. Those people who incorporate aspects of both male and female, but who have a fixed identity, may identify as ‘androgynous’, ‘mixed gender’ or sometimes ‘pangender’ as the latter is a flexible term. In contrast, people who move between genders in a fluid way may identify as ‘bigender’, ‘gender fluid’ or sometimes ‘pangender’ again. Some people move between more than two genders and so identify as ‘trigender’, and sometimes ‘pangender’ as it is a flexible term. Some people identify as a specific additional gender (either between female and male or otherwise additional to those genders) and identify as ‘third gender’, ‘other gender’, and sometimes again as ‘pangender’. Then there are those people who disrupt the gender dichotomy though challenging its very ontology and/or veracity and so identify as ‘genderqueer’ or ‘genderfuck’. And there are also people who have no gender and so identify as ‘agender’, ‘gender neutral’, ‘non-gendered’, ‘genderless’, ‘neuter’, or ‘neutrois’.” (ang.).

  • Terry Altilio, Shirley Otis-Green, Oxford textbook of palliative social work, New York: Oxford University Press, 2011, s. 380, ISBN 978-0-19-983827-1, OCLC 710993070 [dostęp 2019-06-12], Cytat: „Transgender is an umbrella term for people whose gender identity and/or gender expression differs from the sex they were assigned at birth (Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation [GLAAD], 2007).”.
  • Craig J. Forsyth, Heith Copes, Encyclopedia of social deviance, Los Angeles, s. 740, ISBN 978-1-4833-4046-3, OCLC 871568120 [dostęp 2019-06-12], Cytat: „Transgender is an umbrella term for people whose gender identities, gender expressions, and/or behaviors are different from those culturally associated with the sex to which they were assigned at birth.”.
  • Marla Berg-Weger, Social work and social welfare: an invitation, wyd. 4, New York, s. 229, ISBN 978-1-317-59202-0, OCLC 945553923 [dostęp 2019-06-12], Cytat: „Transgender: An umbrella term that describes people whose gender identity or gender expression differs from expectations associated with the sex assigned to them at birth.”.
  • Transgresja płci, tranzycja ciała, transwersja tożsamości. Czym jest transpłciowość?, [w:] Kłonkowska i inni, Psychospołeczne, prawne i medyczne aspekty transpłciowości, Gdańsk: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, 2014, s. 63-82, ISBN 978-83-7865-236-6, OCLC 903363952 [dostęp 2019-06-12].
  • Brent Bilodeau, Beyond the Gender Binary: A Case Study of Two Transgender Students at a Midwestern Research University, „Journal of Gay & Lesbian Issues in Education”, 3 (1), 2005, s. 29–44, DOI10.1300/J367v03n01_05, ISSN 1541-0889, Cytat: „Yet Jordan and Nick represent a segment of transgender communities that have largely been overlooked in transgender and student development research – individuals who express a non-binary construction of gender” (ang.).
  • Susan Stryker, Stephen Whittle, The transgender studies reader, New York: Taylor & Francis, 2006, ISBN 978-0-203-95505-5, OCLC 139802151 [dostęp 2019-06-12], Cytat: „The authors note that, increasingly, in social science literature, the term "third gender" is being replaced by or conflated with the newer term "transgender.”.
  • Joan C. Chrisler, Donald R. McCreary, Handbook of gender research in psychology. Volume 1, Gender research in general and experimental psychology, New York: Springer, 2010, ISBN 978-1-4419-1465-1, OCLC 630057607 [dostęp 2019-06-12], Cytat: „Transgender is a broad term characterized by a challenge of traditional gender roles and gender identity[. ...] For example, some cultures classify transgender individuals as a third gender, thereby treating this phenomenon as normative.”.
  • Sari L. Reisner i inni, Comparing In-Person and Online Survey Respondents in the U.S. National Transgender Discrimination Survey: Implications for Transgender Health Research, „LGBT health”, 1 (2), 2014, s. 98–106, DOI10.1089/lgbt.2013.0018, ISSN 2325-8306, PMID26789619 [dostęp 2019-06-12].
  • Christina Richards i inni, Non-binary or genderqueer genders, „International Review of Psychiatry”, 28 (1), 2016, s. 95–102, DOI10.3109/09540261.2015.1106446, ISSN 0954-0261 [dostęp 2019-06-12], Cytat: „In the current Western context, however, some people may identify as predominantly male, but with aspects of the ‘other’ gender and use the identity term ‘male’ generally; or may identify as predominantly female, but with aspects of the ‘other’ gender and use the identity term ‘female’ generally – but both groups of people may define additionally as ‘genderqueer’ when necessary – for example in accepting environments or when neither a male nor female identity suits. Those people who incorporate aspects of both male and female, but who have a fixed identity, may identify as ‘androgynous’, ‘mixed gender’ or sometimes ‘pangender’ as the latter is a flexible term. In contrast, people who move between genders in a fluid way may identify as ‘bigender’, ‘gender fluid’ or sometimes ‘pangender’ again. Some people move between more than two genders and so identify as ‘trigender’, and sometimes ‘pangender’ as it is a flexible term. Some people identify as a specific additional gender (either between female and male or otherwise additional to those genders) and identify as ‘third gender’, ‘other gender’, and sometimes again as ‘pangender’. Then there are those people who disrupt the gender dichotomy though challenging its very ontology and/or veracity and so identify as ‘genderqueer’ or ‘genderfuck’. And there are also people who have no gender and so identify as ‘agender’, ‘gender neutral’, ‘non-gendered’, ‘genderless’, ‘neuter’, or ‘neutrois’.” (ang.).
  • Paisley Currah, Richard M. Juang, Shannon Minter, Transgender rights, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2006, s. 51–73, ISBN 0-8166-4311-3, OCLC 68221085 [dostęp 2019-06-13].
  • Stephen Whittle, Respect and equality: transsexual and transgender rights, London: Cavendish Pub, 2002, ISBN 1-85941-743-4, OCLC 50840863 [dostęp 2019-06-13].
  • Emilia L. Lombardi i inni, Gender Violence, „Journal of Homosexuality”, 42 (1), 2002, s. 89–101, DOI10.1300/J082v42n01_05, ISSN 0091-8369 [dostęp 2019-06-13].
  • Judith Bradford i inni, Experiences of Transgender-Related Discrimination and Implications for Health: Results From the Virginia Transgender Health Initiative Study, „American Journal of Public Health”, 103 (10), 2012, s. 1820–1829, DOI10.2105/AJPH.2012.300796, ISSN 0090-0036, PMID23153142, PMCIDPMC3780721 [dostęp 2019-06-13].
  • Paweł Borto, „Pismo mówi, że On ma powstać z martwych” (J 20,9). Znaczenie odwołania się do Pisma w najwcześniejszych formach wyznania wiary w Zmartwychwstanie. Analiza teologicznofundamentalna, „Roczniki Teologiczne”, 66 (9), 2019, s. 19–34, DOI10.18290/rt.2019.66.9-2, ISSN 2543-5973 [dostęp 2022-10-29].