MatejaM.KovacicMatejaM., Cyborg in Idology Studies: Symbiosis of Animating Humans and Machines, [w:] AoyagiA.Hiroshi, Patrick W.P.W.Galbraith, MatejaM.Kovacic (red.), Idology in Transcultural Perspective: Anthropological Investigations of Popular Idolatry, Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021, s. 101–102, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-82677-2_5, ISBN 978-3-030-82677-2 [dostęp 2022-02-17](ang.).
StevieS.SuanStevieS., Performing Virtual YouTubers: Acting Across Borders in the Platform Society, [w:] MartinM.Roth, HiroshiH.Yoshida, MartinM.Picard (red.), Japan’s Contemporary Media Culture between Local and Global: Content, Practice and Theory, Heidelberg: CrossAsia-eBooks, 2021, s. 187, DOI: 10.11588/crossasia.971.c12884, ISBN 978-3-948791-20-9(ang.).