Wicyna (Polish Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Wicyna" in Polish language version.

Global rank Polish rank
2nd place
6th place
4th place
7th place
924th place
75th place
462nd place
410th place
5th place
2nd place
6th place
33rd place




  • Aaron Bendich, Grace C. Clements, A revision of the structural formulation of vicine and its pyrimidine aglucone, divicine, „Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta”, 12 (3), 1953, s. 462–477, DOI10.1016/0006-3002(53)90166-8, PMID13115456 (ang.).
  • Hikaru Okabe i inni, Studies on the constituents of Momordica charantia L. I. Isolation and characterization of momordicosides A and B, glycosides of a pentahydroxy-cucurbitane triterpene, „Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin”, 28 (9), 1980, s. 2753–2762, DOI10.1248/cpb.28.2753 (ang.).
  • Vincenzo Lattanzio i inni, Variability of Amino Acids, Protein, Vicine and Convicine in Vicia faba (L) Cultivars, „Journal of Food Science”, 48 (3), 1983, s. 992–993, DOI10.1111/j.1365-2621.1983.tb14950.x (ang.).
  • H. Ritthausen, U. Kreusler, Ueber Vorkommen von Amygdalin und eine neue dem Asparagin ähnliche Substanz in Wickensamen (Vicia sativa), „Journal für Praktische Chemie”, 2 (1), 1870, s. 333–338, DOI10.1002/prac.18700020138 (niem.).
  • H. Ritthausen, Ueber Vicin. Bestandtheil der Samen von Vicia sativa, „Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft”, 9 (1), 1876, s. 301–304, DOI10.1002/cber.18760090192 (niem.).
  • J. Mager, A. Razin, A. Hershko, Favism, [w:] Toxic constituents of plant foodstuffs, Academic Press, 1969, s. 293–318, DOI10.1016/b978-0-12-395739-9.50015-5, ISBN 978-0-12-395739-9, OCLC 698067033 (ang.).
  • H. Ritthausen, Vicin, „Journal of the Chemical Society”, 29, 1876, s. 936–937, DOI10.1039/js8762900892 (ang.).
  • H. Ritthausen, Mittheilungen des agriculturchemischen Laboratoriums der Universität Köjnigsberg. I. Ueber Vicin und eine zweite stickstoffreiche Substanz der Wickensamen, Convicin, „Journal für Praktische Chemie”, 24 (1), 1881, s. 202–220, DOI10.1002/prac.18810240117 (niem.).
  • H. Ritthausen, Vicin ein Glycosid, „Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft”, 29 (2), 1896, s. 2108–2109, DOI10.1002/cber.189602902199 (niem.).
  • H. Ritthausen, Ueber Divicin, „Journal für Praktische Chemie”, 59 (1), 1899, s. 482–486, DOI10.1002/prac.18990590132 (niem.).
  • Treat B. Johnson, Carl O. Johns, Researches on pyrimidines. LXVIII. The structure of Ritthausen’s divicine, „Journal of the American Chemical Society”, 36 (3), 1914, s. 545–550, DOI10.1021/ja02180a012 (ang.).
  • Treat B. Johnson, Carl O. Johns, Researches on pyrimidines. LXIX. On a color test for 5-aminopyrimidines, „Journal of the American Chemical Society”, 36 (5), 1914, s. 970–980, DOI10.1021/ja02182a020 (ang.).
  • Treat B. Johnson, The origin of purines in plants, „Journal of the American Chemical Society”, 36 (2), 1914, s. 337–345, DOI10.1021/ja02179a013 (ang.).
  • P.A. Levene, On vicine, „Journal of Biological Chemistry”, 18 (2), 1914, s. 305–311, DOI10.1016/S0021-9258(18)88368-5 (ang.).
  • Katell Crépon i inni, Nutritional value of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) seeds for feed and food, „Field Crops Research”, 115 (3), 2010, s. 329–339, DOI10.1016/j.fcr.2009.09.016 (ang.).
  • D. Jezierny, R. Mosenthin, E. Bauer, The use of grain legumes as a protein source in pig nutrition: A review, „Animal Feed Science and Technology”, 157 (3–4), 2010, s. 111–128, DOI10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2010.03.001 (ang.).
  • Mahmoud S. Arbid i inni, Effect of the Antibiotic Neomycin on the Toxicity of the Glycoside Vicine in Rats, „Journal of Toxicology”, 2013, 2013, s. 1–8, DOI10.1155/2013/913128, PMID23840205, PMCIDPMC3694484 (ang.).




  • Aaron Bendich, Grace C. Clements, A revision of the structural formulation of vicine and its pyrimidine aglucone, divicine, „Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta”, 12 (3), 1953, s. 462–477, DOI10.1016/0006-3002(53)90166-8, PMID13115456 (ang.).
  • Mahmoud S. Arbid i inni, Effect of the Antibiotic Neomycin on the Toxicity of the Glycoside Vicine in Rats, „Journal of Toxicology”, 2013, 2013, s. 1–8, DOI10.1155/2013/913128, PMID23840205, PMCIDPMC3694484 (ang.).

