"Passive Protest Stops Zaire's Capital Cold" by Lynne Duke, Washington Post Foreign Service, Tuesday, April 15 1997; Page A14 ("Kabila's forces -- which are indeed backed by Rwanda, Angola, Uganda and Burundi, diplomats say -- are slowly advancing toward the capital from the eastern half of the country, where they have captured all the regions that produce Zaire's diamonds, gold, copper and cobalt.")
Qtd. in The Rwanda Crisis: History of a Genocide (London: Hurst, 1995), by Gérard Prunier; rpt. in "Rwanda & Burundi: The Conflict." Contemporary Tragedy. Online posting. The Holocaust: A Tragic Legacy.
Col. Scott R. Feil. "Could 5,000 Peacekeepers Have Saved 500,000 Rwandans?: Early Intervention Reconsidered", ISD Report