Y. Matsutoya [online], lk.astronautilus.pl [dostęp 2023-04-14].
Yumi Matsutoya Biography. nautiljon.com. Cytat: (...) C'est une des plus populaires artiste du Japon, avec plus de 42 millions de disques vendus, 21 albums classés N°1 (...). (fr.).
統計情報 [online], Po przekierowaniu wpisać w pole nazwy artysty (jap. アーティスト) hasło 松任谷 由実, po czym kliknąć w pole wyszukiwania, Recording Industry Association of Japan(jap.).
Yumi Matsutoya Biography, barks.jp [dostęp 2018-12-10] [zarchiwizowane 2017-07-10], Cytat: Yumi Matsutōya (born January 19, 1954) is a Japanese singer-songwriter. She was born in Hachioji, Tokyo. Her nickname is Yuming, which she received at the age of 13 from a Chinese artist, who inspired her to take on a career in music. Her first 4 albums are released under her birth name Yumi Arai (...).(ang.).