Abdruschin (Portuguese Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Abdruschin" in Portuguese language version.

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5th place
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  • Vojtisek, Zdenek (fevereiro de 2006). «Millennial Expectations in the Grail Movement» (PDF). Nova Religio: The Journal of Alternative and Emergent Religions. 9 (3): 61–79. ISSN 1541-8480. doi:10.1525/nr.2006.9.3.061. In order to calm the public and hide his messianic claims, in 1937 Bernhardt ordered that the “Conclusion” be cut out of all unsold In the Light of Truth books. ... Four lectures and the “Conclusion” published in 1931 are omitted in the authorized postwar version. The reason for dropping three of the lectures is probably the same as the reason for omitting the “Conclusion” in 1937: they were too explicit in pointing to Bernhardt (Abd-ru-shin) as the Messiah. Of the omitted lectures, the fourth was probably unacceptable after the war due to ideas that might be considered racist.28 
  • Kürti, László (abril de 2001). «Psychic Phenomena, Neoshamanism, and the Cultic Milieu in Hungary». Nova Religio: The Journal of Alternative and Emergent Religions. 4 (1): 322–350. doi:10.1525/nr.2001.4.2.322. Cultic milieu books, long familiar to Westerners, are being translated into Hungarian and sold in legitimate bookstores. The latest examples are Akashic Records by Victor Charon and The Message of the Grail by Abd-Ru-Shin [Oskar Ernst Bernhardt (1875-1941)]. Both are fashionable books involving esoteric worldviews with messianic claims, and both are widely distributed on the Hungarian publishing market. 


  • «REFUTAÇÃO do texto "Millennial Expectations in the Grail Movement"» (PDF). Fevereiro de 2021. É falsa a alegação de Zdenek de que “A fim de acalmar o público e ocultar suas reivindicações messiânicas, em 1937 Bernhardt ordenou que a ‘Conclusão’ fosse cortada de todos os livros Na Luz da Verdade não vendidos.” Todo autor tem, evidentemente, o direito de revisar sua obra quando melhor lhe aprouver, e quando as circunstâncias assim indicarem tal necessidade. A retirada da Conclusão naquela época não teve intuito de “acalmar” ninguém e muito menos de ocultar o que quer que fosse. Integralmente caluniosa a afirmação “Das dissertações omitidas, as quatro provavelmente tornaram-se inaceitáveis após a guerra devido a ideias que podem ser consideradas racistas.” (...) Abd-ru-shin sempre indicou que todos os povos deveriam progredir por si mesmos, sem interferência estrangeira. Esse conceito está especialmente descrito na dissertação “A Beleza dos Povos”. Nenhuma das dissertações retiradas da edição original possui, nem de longe, algum cunho racista, o que estaria até em direta contradição com a mencionada dissertação “A Beleza dos Povos”. 


  • Vojtisek, Zdenek (fevereiro de 2006). «Millennial Expectations in the Grail Movement» (PDF). Nova Religio: The Journal of Alternative and Emergent Religions. 9 (3): 61–79. ISSN 1541-8480. doi:10.1525/nr.2006.9.3.061. In order to calm the public and hide his messianic claims, in 1937 Bernhardt ordered that the “Conclusion” be cut out of all unsold In the Light of Truth books. ... Four lectures and the “Conclusion” published in 1931 are omitted in the authorized postwar version. The reason for dropping three of the lectures is probably the same as the reason for omitting the “Conclusion” in 1937: they were too explicit in pointing to Bernhardt (Abd-ru-shin) as the Messiah. Of the omitted lectures, the fourth was probably unacceptable after the war due to ideas that might be considered racist.28 


  • Vojtisek, Zdenek (fevereiro de 2006). «Millennial Expectations in the Grail Movement» (PDF). Nova Religio: The Journal of Alternative and Emergent Religions. 9 (3): 61–79. ISSN 1541-8480. doi:10.1525/nr.2006.9.3.061. In order to calm the public and hide his messianic claims, in 1937 Bernhardt ordered that the “Conclusion” be cut out of all unsold In the Light of Truth books. ... Four lectures and the “Conclusion” published in 1931 are omitted in the authorized postwar version. The reason for dropping three of the lectures is probably the same as the reason for omitting the “Conclusion” in 1937: they were too explicit in pointing to Bernhardt (Abd-ru-shin) as the Messiah. Of the omitted lectures, the fourth was probably unacceptable after the war due to ideas that might be considered racist.28