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Reich, P.B.; J. Oleksyn (2008). «Climate warming will reduce growth and survival of Scots pine except in the far north». Ecology Letters. 11 (6): 588–597. PMID18363717. doi:10.1111/j.1461-0248.2008.01172.x
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United Nations, United Nations Climate Change. «The Paris Agreement». Consultado em 10 de maio de 2021. Arquivado do original em 18 de abril de 2018
Shephard, Mark W.; Mekis, Eva; Morris, Robert J.; Feng, Yang; Zhang, Xuebin; Kilcup, Karen; Fleetwood, Rick (20 de outubro de 2014). «Trends in Canadian Short‐Duration Extreme Rainfall: Including an Intensity–Duration–Frequency Perspective». Atmosphere-Ocean. 52 (5): 398–417. ISSN0705-5900. doi:10.1080/07055900.2014.969677