Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Ann Dunham" in Portuguese language version.
Qualquer pessoa que escreva sobre a vida de Dunham deve abordar a questão de como chamá-la. Ela era Stanley Ann Dunham no nascimento e Stanley Ann quando criança, mas abandonou o Stanley após se formar no colégio. Ela era Ann Dunham, depois Ann Obama, depois Ann Soetoro até seu segundo divórcio. Em seguida, ela manteve o nome do marido, mas modernizou a grafia para Sutoro. No início dos anos 1980, ela era Ann Sutoro, Ann Dunham Sutoro, S. Ann Dunham Sutoro. Em conversas, os indonésios que trabalharam com ela no final dos anos 1980 e no início dos anos 1990 referiram-se a ela como Ann Dunham, colocando ênfase na segunda sílaba do sobrenome. Perto do fim de sua vida, ela assinou sua dissertação S. Ann Dunham e correspondência oficial (Stanley) Ann Dunham.
p. 363:
modernized the spelling: The spelling of certain Indonesian words changed after Indonesia gained its independence from the Dutch in 1949, and again under a 1972 agreement between Indonesia and Malaysia... Names containing oe,... are now often spelled with a u... However, older spellings are still used in some personal names... After her divorce from Lolo Soetoro, Ann Dunham kept his last name for a number of years while she was still working in Indonesia, but she changed the spelling to Sutoro. Their daughter, Maya Soetoro-Ng, chose to keep the traditional spelling of her Indonesian surname.
A woman named Stanley: "Madelyn thought that was the height of sophistication!" recalled her brother Charles Payne, and the notion of giving her baby girl that name took hold. The coincidence that her husband was also Stanley only deepened the association.
Most people will be surprised to learn that U.S. President Barack Obama has African-American ancestry through his mother.