Sozomeno. «23». História Eclesiástica. Arsacius elected to succeed John. The Evils wrought against the Followers of John. St. Nicarete. (em inglês). VIII. [S.l.: s.n.]
Sozomeno. «22». História Eclesiástica. Unlawful Expulsion of John from his Bishopric. The Trouble which followed. Conflagration of the Church by Fire from Heaven. Exile of John to Cucusus. (em inglês). VIII. [S.l.: s.n.]
Sozomeno. «26». História Eclesiástica. Two Epistles from Innocent, the Pope of Rome, of which one was addressed to John Chrysostom, and the other to the Clergy of Constantinople concerning John. (em inglês). VIII. [S.l.: s.n.]