Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Barragem de Edenville" in Portuguese language version.
The Four Lakes Task Force agreed to buy Wixom, Sanford, Secord and Smallwood dams from Boyce Hydro for nearly $9.5 million
Wednesday the task force announced it agreed to buy the Wixom, Sanford, Secord and Smallwood dams from Boyce for nearly $9.5 million.
the Four Lakes Task Force, in its capacity as the County Delegated Authority for the Four Lakes Special Assessment District
Boyce said it lowered lake-water levels as a safety move in October 2018
State officials alleged Boyce's dams lowered the lake without permission in 2018 and 2019, and sued the company in April alleging the actions killed "thousands if not millions" of endangered freshwater mussels.
the Four Lakes Task Force, in its capacity as the County Delegated Authority for the Four Lakes Special Assessment District
The company twice lowered Wixom Lake's level without permission after the federal license was revoked, said Nick Assendelft, spokesman for the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy, which has overseen the Edenville barrier since its federal license was withdrawn [...] A lawsuit filed April 30 says the lengthy drawdowns in 2018 and 2019 killed “thousands, if not millions” of freshwater mussels, many listed as endangered species
Boyce says it asked EGLE for permission to lower Wixom Lake last fall “due to concern for the safety of its operators and the downstream community.” EGLE and the Michigan Department of Natural Resources denied the request. Boyce lowered the lake without approval in mid-November “believing its safety concerns were paramount.” Boyce sued the state on April 29 in Grand Rapids federal court
The Michigan Attorney General's office issued this statement: "[...] Michigan EGLE directed Boyce to follow the court-ordered lake level requirements."
Em 1893, Wixom vendeu o seu circo por $25,000. Ele não se tinha esquecido do sonho de trazer a prosperidade de volta às cidades madeireiras como Edenville, Sanford, Averill e Coleman mas precisava do dinheiro para construir a barragem.
The state reportedly issued the task force a $5 million grant
A lawsuit filed April 30 says the lengthy drawdowns in 2018 and 2019 killed “thousands, if not millions” of freshwater mussels, many listed as endangered species.
Depois da autorização ser revogada pela FERC, a regulamentação da barragem de Edenville foi tomada pela Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy em 2018. O relações públicas Nick Assendelft disse que a agência inspecionou a barragem em outubro de 2018 e a encontrou estruturalmente segura